After endless attempts. I finally managed to find a way to get rid of the pesky malware/virus hiding on my secondary drive! This malware have been robbing me of my admin rights to my own computer making several files or whole drives impossible to access. One of these files was my war thunder file named "aces.exe", the file that runs the whole game while you play...
Of course it also kept me from killing it normally. Even malwarebytes could not get rid of it properly.

For those facing the same problem, what I did was move my whole system onto the drive where I had located the malware. I then shut down all other drives, ran malwarebytes pro trial to kill it! For this I had to move my whole windows tho. It is entirely possible. But you will have to use another computer for it. In my case I used a parts computer running windows 98 to do this. That is because this version of windows does not understand restricted files completely and have several simple bypasses.

If you have the same problem and want my help fixing it. Please do contact me! :P