Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to one and all,

As most of you know, we DO have a Code of Conduct in AOD. A Code of Conduct that ALL members should preferrably adhere to. I TRY to adhere to them as best I can, sometimes I fail and I WILL admit that. The one in particular point in our Code of Conduct I try to adhere to and am referencing is point #10. Win and lose games honorably, show sportsmanship. When it comes to Spawn camping, no one likes it nor enjoys it. As soon as you come into game, there is sometimes someone there hitting you before you know and/or realize what is happening. The urban dictionary defines Spawn Camping as such. "In gaming, when one camps (or remains in one position with the intent to obtain multiple kills) the spawn point (or location where players re-enter the game), often considered poor sportsmanship because players are often unable to respond in time to fight back, or are caught off guard.
Now, there is no General RULE per se about Spawn Camping in AOD. HOWEVER, with that being said, I believe it falls under the Category of "Good Sportsmanship". I DO NOT spawn camp, I DON'T like it when someone does it to us, nor when someone on my team or this clan does it. There is no joy in it. There is, I believe a very fuzzy Gray Area when it comes to distance on Spawn Camping. Sitting directly ON the spawn point and waiting for them to come in and shooting them as they do is DEFINETLY spawn camping. But just where does that "Gray Area" end so to speak. I just don't seem to understand the use of such a thing. Why not make the game and battles more fun for, not only ourselves but the other side, by ALLOWING them to actually make it into the game and getting their senses. As everyone knows, it takes approximately 2-3 seconds to figure out just WHERE you are and WHAT direction your facing once you spawn in. I bring this issue up only because I have seen SOME people in the clan do it and they shall remain nameless. It's not right. It's NOT sportsman like.
IF the other side or other people NOT in the clan want to spawn camp, then so be it. WE are better than that. I would LOVE to see people in this game, once they see AOD in a battle, go "Oh look. It's AOD. We're safe in the spawn they won't shoot us. They play with HONOR."
So...can someone tell me just WHERE that Gray line is when it comes to Spawn Camping. Thank and have a good day.