As the topic says i,m looking to get into sim battles I dabbled with it before but lost interest after noone else from my old squadron joined up.

Now I am mostly and preferably a bomber/attacker player and have a joystick a saitek X-52 pro(I think)its the silver version not the black one.

What I really need is a joystick configuration profile for that joystick if anyone has one .

And some advice my reason for flying sim is simple as a bomber/ground attacker flying is at best described as as abrupt in other words i have to fly to preordained spots every noobie fighter jock with a gun knows where i,m going and i,ll be the first one going down in flames .wasnt so much of an issue till the chat bug issue i have been hacing meant me teaming up was problematic so fighter cover is none existant.

So flying sim removes a lot of the problem aka you gotta find me first and its an awful big sky up their .

So any advice would be appreciated .