Okay.Opinion poll time. I would like hear what other people think about this.
Gaijen got everyone excited about the new camoflauge coming out. Bushes, skulls, etc, etc. However, WHEN they rolled them out, it cost 500GE just to GET the bushes and camoflauge with NO way of actually EARNING them. I know and understand that camoflauge doesn't really matter in Arcade mode because you still have a big tag over your head, but in RB battles, it would be nice to have. Some people, such as myself, just cannot afford to drop 500GE to get that Camoflauge. it's been raised to 2000 GE today.
Personally, I think Gaijen needs to change it so you CAN earn them not just buy dropping lots of money for GE.
What are your thoughts.

Keep your head on a Swival