This is a holiday that creates confusion amongst even our OWN CountryMen. Memorial day was started as "Decoration Day'.A Day when Union families decorated the graves of the soldiers fallen .Soon,the Confederates joined in,and it was eventually founded,and marked by the last day of May each Year.

This is a day in which Americans celebrate their war dead. Those for whom the sacrifice was penultimate,and can never be denied. War is such hell and chaos,that many whom died serving are not known,their graves devoid of any note. Indeed,Our own President lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Arlington Nat. Cemetery,every Memorial Day. This post is guarded,24/7/365 by soldiers of the "Old Guard'. I say guarded as it is meant. They patrol,rain or shine,dark or hot,no matter. Their steps are measured,precise,and though mostly ceremonial,they DO enforce the "silent and standing' order given everyone whom approaches. Unknowns are interred here from WWI,WWII,Korea,and Vietnam.

So no matter Your Country,No matter the war. A civilian,left their life,changed it immeasurably,and gave the most precious thing they had,their life. Hoist a drink, raise a cheer, note the tear that falls in a silent Mans beer. For there went Men more brave than You and I,they ran to danger with a ready eye.Steady hand and sturdy gait,they never faltered,were never late.Though but the wind was adrift,or the sun shone more brightly,perhaps they'd be here,alive and sprightly.Sadly they passed, fallen in place. Never again shall pain cross their face. Be they a radioman,medic or grunt,upon a silvery wing,or in a foxhole,dirty and gaunt. They were there,not You and I.It would behoove us all a moment to cry.To rain tears upon the earth which hold their remains,as their families wept over missed recitals and games. What You enjoy wasn't free,the price was paid for both You and Me. Again I say,with right good will,raise a toast for those that will,race to the call, heed the need.Meet the huns at the gates upon a trusty steed.A soldier has fallen,we are poorer for their loss, into the air a cap You shall toss.Like that soldier,the cap will land upon the field,awaiting the final call to battle for He and His trusty shield. Valhalla's gates will open at Gabriel's call,and they will rise,one and all.Until We see them all again...Take a moment- To remember those Women and Men...

now if the congregation will please turn to page 5 of Your AOD hymnals, we'll be singing the AOD Hymn...on 3

Hiiiiiimmmmm......Hiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmm.HIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII-awww PHUQHIM!. Ty,please remember our potluck is this Wednesday,and Father P_A_G_A_N will be teaching "From heaven to hell w/out dying-a landing tutorial' refreshments afterwards