Please remember that being logged in to Ventrillo when playing is required for all members.

Please Help us and your fellow members out , if you see another player in game and not in ventrillo send them a message and ask them to join you.

Players that receive several warnings from Officers about not using Ventrillo or habitually do not use Ventrillo will eventually get removed from AOD, and we do not want that either.

We all like having members to play with, so get in Ventrillo when playing please.

If you cannot participate in Ventrillo conversations, are playing solo or whatever that is fine as well but you must be logged in to Ventrillo in an empty room or the quiet room.

Please remember the quiet room may kick you if Vent fills up, if so log back in.

Also , If you go AFK for a long period of time OR stop playing for the day/night LOG OUT the game and Vent. It helps avoid confusion of who is here or not.

See you in the Skies and hopefully in VENT!


Thanks DW