One of the most frustrating things in War Thunder for me (Ok, I know. If you have ever played with me, everything in War Thunder pisses me off. However for the record, its usually the game and other players that get me angry, hardly you guys) is that gunners for bombers are useless. Other than turning tail, giving up pretty much all control of your bomber just to stay in gunner view, does anyone seriously have any knowledge/tips on how to get gunners to work at all?
My american bomber slot for example. It has 9 skilled gunners, and most of the bombers I fly in that slot are crew qualified with max accuracy and precision (50+30). So if I am flying along trying to drop on a target, a FW just flies up behind me and shoots the hell out of me without even one peep from the AI.
Serious suggestions/discussion please. Does anyone know what makes them tick? Or not (Gaigen nerf bat). Is it a matter of gun convergence? G's? Plane position?
I'll start.. With my B25 mentioned above, sometimes.. sometimes if I fly with the plane slightly pointed up and to the side (roll left or right 1 degree) the AI will shoot at approaching enemy planes. Give it a try and please tell me I'm not the only one who gets this kind of result.
I do want to fly my bombers more, I just cannot right now.