Knee High to a Worms Ass
struggling with tiger h1
Hey peeps finally got into the tiger h1 but i'm finding it very hard to even kill anything in its weight class and my KD ratio is dropping any advice would be great :)
"Every day is a beautiful day" Elwood P. Dowd
Drink Heavily.....
Seriously though, the Tiger H1 isn't very competitive in the tier against fully upgraded peers until you get the equipment upgrades. So keep slogging away until you unlock the upgrades.... K/D ratio is irrelevant, it's having fun playing the game that matters......
Banned from Forums
When i am in my russian T-34's and so on I usually get one shotted by Tigers but I unlocked the KV-2 so I don't have to worry anymore. Although I see A LOT of the Tiger drivers usually sniping at a good distance, maybe start with that then work your way up close...
P.S. haven't got a TIGER yet...
Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
Tigers have a good gun and can hit hard in long distances. If you are playing arcade it will be easier for them to kill you due to the penetration indicator. also try not to let them get any shots into your sides. you have a ton of ammo stored there. so only angle your rank a little or hide the side behind buildings and poke your nose out. Tigers do well in sim battles too,
Danneskjold Repossessions.
AOD Member
I didn't like the Tiger H at all. Big, clumsy, and honestly the gun isn't that great. The Tiger 2 is amazing, though.
Time is Monet. - Monty Burns
So the problem is really the MM, as you mentioned. The Tiger H1 has a BR of 5.7 and is T3, so what you should see are T-34 85's, Is-1's, Sherman 76's, Sherman Jumbo's (75's), and then Pz IV's, Panther D's and other Tiger I's. But in reality what you regularly get in addition these are IS-2's, M26's, Panther A's, T44's, and Tiger II's (P's at least), due to the fabulous WT MM. These later tanks cannot only hold up to the Tiger I, but can really just outclass it in most regards. So what can you do?
First, thankfully the 88mm L/56 of the Tiger I can pen most of the tanks front in some kind of location even without APCR that the Tiger IE gets. IS-2's and Jumbo's are hard to impossible unless you get lucky, but even the Tiger II P can be had on the turret cheeks at not too bad of a distance, but you're completely at the mercy of their 88 L/71. But the damage the 88 L/56 does on pen is great, so if you pen, you're gonna cripple them if not outright kill them. So a bit of silver lining.
Second, you have 100mm of armor all over the front, but it's in flat angles. So good and bad.
Third, your turret rotation is absolutely horrible. It's actually faster to use turret rotation in conjunction with hull rotation, but then that 62mm of side armor can get exposed. So bad, and then it can get worse.
So what do you do to make yourself survivable and an asset to the team?
1. Pick a spot at distance and snipe, preferably hull down. Use the 88's power at range the way it was meant to be used. This also minimizes the horrible turret rotation to a less crippling handicap. Check here for the 88's balistics - http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php...Tiger_Ausf._H1 . Note that even out to 1000m you can still pen up to 105mm of armor.
2. Angle your armor. Maximize that 100mm thickness and add some bounciness. Rotate your hull to a 20-30 deg angle being careful to avoid exposing the side too much. This will also help hide the one major weak spot on the front, the driver vision port.
3. Avoid knife fights like the plague. Your turret rotation will get you killed in a heartbeat. Poland is not the map of choice for a Tiger I. But if you get it, keep moving, do not stop and allow yourself to be flanked. If you get a shot, your gonna kill or at least cripple an opponent, so make your first shot count, it may be your only one. Dont expose yourself while reloading, even though its relatively quick in a Tiger I.
4. Be on the lookout for Derps. Tanks trolling a Russian 152mm or 122mm love Tigers for snacks.
5. Pray to your deity, offer up a sacrifice, and hope you get alot of mid-tier Sherman's and T-34's. If you do, button up and enjoy the target buffet as Shermans pop like pop-corn from a 88 L/56.
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