To get the ball rolling and get people as informed as possible, I wanted to get this post up here in this section ASAP. Please feel free to change it or delete it as you feel the need Future CO of Star Citizen.
To add something to this list please simply post a follow up post below, please do not use this thread to discuss the links that are in this thread. We have a whole forum for that, please use that. If a Admin could assist in keeping this list as up to date as possible, it would be greatly appreciated.
Official Trailer
AOD Important Links
AOD's Organization Page
AOD's Org. Chat
AOD's Recruitment Thread
Important Links from the Developer
Star Citizen Page
Official FAQ Nexus
Arena Commander Manual - lots of great info for beginners!
Weapons and Weapon Mounts
Cargo and all it involves.
Official Press Releases
Offical Ship Specifications
Unofficial Ship Progress Chart
Star Marine and FPS Update
FPS Stances and Breathing
Official YouTube Channel
Informative Third Party Pages/BLogs
Star Citizen Wikia - F.A.Q.
Wiki Alternative
Tactical Advance Channel With good tips
Performance Tweaks
Melting Packages - How to change your package to store credits. CAREFUL: Some things will be forever lost if you do this (like LTI, ...)
Common Misconceptions MK2 - a ton of good information.
Exploring Exploration *Info on exploring
Community Links
Official Star Citizen Forum
Star Citizen Reddit
Star Citizen Facebook
Star Citizen Twitter
Please message me with your submissions for this info page, and thank you!