Jedi Knight Division plays Movie Battles II. This is a modification to Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy game released in 2003. In order to play with us, you need to get the following:
- Make sure you have the original game: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Available on Steam: Here
- Download the Movie Battles II Launcher/Torrent Download
Follow installation instructions
You should be fine now. If any issues occur during your installation or anything else game related, do not hesitate to contact our division leadership. We'll be more than happy to help you out.
- Part-timers under the rank of Cpl include [PT] at the end of their tags. eg. AOD_Wipey[PT].
Make sure the AOD_ Prefix and your rank is White (in-game, use ^7)
- Sergeants+ use [JP] as their rank in game.
- Make sure you post on our Division Structure letting us know that you will be going part-time
Credits: Prime for edits :D, Sammy for better ones