Why is the griffon mk22 fighting me262 and Ho 229 and the 190 D12 fighting Spit mk Vc..? That's what I call world class match making.
Why is the griffon mk22 fighting me262 and Ho 229 and the 190 D12 fighting Spit mk Vc..? That's what I call world class match making.
one thing i happy with it i play alot with the M4 105 mm its whas first pain to play and nou with the new Br is better to play with it
Ey, it makes my job easier. You'll all bow down to my 262.
True it makes 262 pilot jobs easier but what about the Japs its a sad story for them Kikka pilots can relate to the mk24 and mk22
Vampires facing sabres... I think they finally killed the vamp until we get the other variants...
Here I go defending Gaijin again.......spanakis wanted to shoot me the last time I did LOL so I'll hide behind a wall and take my chances
While some of initial vehicle (plane/tank) BRs and adjustments over time seem peculiar, they are in fact based on actual in game performance data. Gaijin collects data on the results from every single match accumulating actual battle result(hits, damage, k/d etc) for every plane/tanks ....that's accumulating real results over millions of matches over months.... this is the in game performance of the vehicle in the hands poor/new players and excellent/experienced players (and everywhere in between) going against the same in millions of matches. So you have what in statistics is known as the "law of large numbers" at work. (while an engineer, I do happen to have a graduate degree in Statistics...yea I'm weird....)
The BR and adjustments over time represent the performance of the plane/tank in the hands of the "average" player matched against the "average" player in other vehicles. So while you may perform better/worse in a vehicle than the BR would indicate, it is how it performs in the "average" player hands against the "average" opponent. The most frequent complaint I tend to hear is "wow, now I'm flying against jets". It's important to remember that 1) something about the plane you're flying makes it successful at that level and 2) Just because there's a jet in the match doesn't mean the pilot can fly it well. The matchmaker is a very complicated algorythm that has to pick 16 arbitrary players & vehicles and match them against 16 other players/vehicles to produce a fairly balanced match in which everyone has fun. On the whole, it does a pretty good job and the BR adjustments over time help make it better.
Good grief...there I've gone and defended Gaijin twice in the same month...need to go take a shower or wash my mouth out with soap or something
Last edited by PapaPnut; 04-24-2015 at 01:09 PM.