This video is about NVIDIA's possible attempt at trying to be the only standing company in graphics card business. Their actions on such things not only hurt AMD's business, but it hurts the PC Gaming community too.

The things 2kliksphillip talks about here concern War Thunder too, since the NVIDIA GameWorks is used on War Thunder. You can even see the post about it on NVIDIA's website when he mentions about the GameWorks.

I have an AMD Graphics Card. Since the new graphical engine rolled into War Thunder I've been having some trouble with it time to time because the new engine is using NVIDIA Technologies (a.k.a NVIDIA GameWorks). They don't work particularly good on AMD cards. There are obvious framerate issues, effects aren't as good as if I had a NVIDIA card, sometimes weird things happen with the whole game, etc etc. One example is that, I couldn't play War Thunder for a while because the entire game would be in pink when I launch it. Yeah, literally pink. think about light colours turning into light pinks and dark colours turning into dark pinks, something like that. This issue happened before 1.53 and came back severely with 1.55, so I reported the bug to developers and somewhat solved it.

I get that NVIDIA possibly does not care about people with AMD cards and maybe I should even be grateful that games still run on my AMD card. However, if NVIDIA would not keep things only to themselves -- as if they invented it all -- this would not happen.

I know and accept that NVIDIA's cards are still better in performance than what AMD have produced, but I have doubts now about validity of such thing. What if ATI/AMD had gotten the market in their hands before NVIDIA did, and do the same things against them, maybe all of us would have AMD graphics cards while NVIDIA would be struggling trying to catch up...

I want your guys' opinion on this, do you think what NVIDIA does is fair or do you think that AMD should have the same technologies as NVIDIA does?