The days i've been in the clan has started to stack up and i enjoy playing with the lot of you! (hopefully the feeling is mutual and i don't drive everyone nutts.)
I do like to know the people i game with so alot of you have heard me ask things like 'what do you work with' or 'where do you live' its not like i'm trying to sell your secrets to north korea or anything. I'm just very curious and i like to know who i play with. :>
Another part is that i have a hard time distinguishing voices from one another and making mental ties to what voice fits where does help me.
So here's my question: What do ya'll look like?

I'm a skinny - Crazy white dude from northern Sweden so naturally i'm sporting a beard of +50 frost resistance.

(crazy big photo but i don't know any of that photo-fu to resize it. :D)
Intresting bits of the photo is that 1. It's actually photographed infront of the Berlin wall. 2. It's a real, issued and worn Captains uniform from 1983.
(May or may not have mentioned i collect uniforms... And coins... And military tidbits... And.. Yeah i hoard. xD )