Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen
AOD Member
Super Squad Saturday
Hello my fellow Pilots, Captains and Tankers!
Super Squad Saturday is back!
This is an event where we do not take the game serious & just want to have fun; not worrying about playing the objective directly or any repair costs incurred.
We set up a custom match and then continue from there.
The Custom Battle is to always have a password, & the password is to always be JOINAOD
Please feel free to reply to this thread if you would like to submit an idea for a Super Squad Saturday match.
Follow these requirements:
- Try to make it accessible for all members, so please nothing like jets only etc.
- Be specific on your idea. Do not just say "let's do this ..." Mention the rules and regulations as well as a brief idea in how the game is meant to be played.
- Your idea must be feasible and provide a good game play experience for all participants. Therefore, as an example, do not do something like Maus vs reserve*.
* Unless the reserve is BoomBoom
Last edited by AOD_RTMPro; 03-24-2019 at 07:44 PM.
Reason: update
AOD 4 LiFE!!!
AOD Member
Bombers vs biplanes is indeed a classic, looking forward to it
Danneskjold Repossessions.
AOD Member
Question... Are rockets allowed in Bombers vs. Biplanes?
Give me your damn Tots
Sounds like a great idea. A great way to have fun
Can I have your Tots
gamemode name : ninja
units: ground
difficulty: custom (modified to where its like simulator but no icons)
maps: any conquest maps
settings for map: inseccent rain, any time of day, respawn unlimited
goal: kill enemy players while hiding in the fog yourself, cap point shall not be capped but if so 1 member of opposite team must uncap the point
tier choice: a vote will be held for what average br we will use
If you can't find the enemy, they're behind you.
AOD Member
Gamemode name: Baby Stomps.
Units: Ground and air with reserve and BR1 only.
Difficulty: AOD in-house Squadron Battles
Maps: any that don't overly advantage either side.
High noon as time. (so Sun doesn't help anyone on the ground)
1 spawn each, with one to three cap points that both sides try to cap.
Idea behind this: More people get a chance to drive tanks without being stomped by higher BR enemy tanks, and everyone gets to try combat comms discipline.
sounds like a blast, will be there
I took an IQ test and the results were negative
Looking forward to my first Super Squad Saturday
And the Ranger's aim was deadly with the Big Iron on his hip
Gamemode Name: The Battle of Palmdale
Units: F6F (any variant) on one team, and an F-80 or F-84 (Any Variants) on the other.
Difficulty: Realistic.
Map: Berlin/City Map
Settings: Clear Weather, Midday, only 1 life.
F6F Goals: Survive. However possible.
F-80/F-84 Goals: Shoot down the Rogue Drone using Unguided Rockets!
1. F6F pilots cannot use any of their weapons.
2. F6F must have the smallest load of fuel possible.
3. F6F pilots cannot return to airfield or land. You must stay airborne.
4. F-80/F-84 pilots must use rockets only, no other weapons.
5. F-80/F-84 pilots get 1 chance to rearm/refuel.
6. No ramming.
The F6F pilots win if they survive the full salvo from the Shooting Stars and Thunderjets or run out of fuel and are forced to land. As long as you are not shot down, you win.
The F-80/F-84 pilots win if they successfully shoot down all the F6F pilots with unguided rockets.
Story Behind the Idea: in 1956, a F6F-5K drone was launched from Point Mugu NAS in California. It stopped responding to ground commands, and was considered a rogue aircraft. Northrop F-89 Scorpions (Not in the game) were dispatched to shoot it down. They prepared their automatic rocket launchers, but the automatic targeting system failed, forcing them to shoot the rockets unguided, without a gun sight in the cockpit (it was removed when the Targeting system was installed). They fired 208 rockets, and every single one of them missed.
The Hellcat drone eventually ran out of fuel and crashed in a desert, but only 15 of the 208 Mighty Mouse rockets were found undetonated. All the others damaged the ground, started brush fires (over 1,000 acres burned), and penetrated homes and garages. There were no fatalities.
And the Ranger's aim was deadly with the Big Iron on his hip
Gamemode Name: Rocket Battle (AIR)
Units: Any Aircraft with Rockets
Difficulty: Arcade/Realistic
Map: Any
Settings: Any
Goals: Using only Rockets, explode thine enemies into tiny bits!
Winning: Your team wins if you destroy all enemy planes with unguided rockets. Simple, right?
Rules: Only Rockets are allowed. Otherwise, go hog wild!
A Chaika dogfighting with an F-84? DONE.
N1K2 firing rockets at a BF-109 F2? HIT THAT MESSERSCHMIDT.
F6F-5 and a F4U-4 locked in a battle over the Pacific ocean? WHICH NAVAL FIGHTER IS SUPERIOR?
AKA, a simplified version of the above suggestion.
A closed mouth gathers no foot
AOD Member
congratulations to the red team!
beat us both times....cheaters....
A closed mouth gathers no foot
AOD Member
Lets keep the ideas for game modes coming in!
Make sure to let everyone know about Super Squad Saturday!
It is bad luck to be superstitious.
AOD Member
Would like to see Tank racing. Shooting each other with low penetrating shells is optional.
Save your breath. You'll need it to blow up your date!
Super Squad Saturday!
Hey guys!
Tonight, so 6th of April 2019, we are doing Super Squad Saturday! Some of you may wonder ''Wtf is that''?. Well, I'll tell ya. Every saturday at 9pm CET, or EST for you Americans. During the events we play for fun on a custom map, and we have weird and fun gimmicks. Tomight for example, we are going to do a game called Asassin, which I will explain before the game starts. Anyone is allowed to join, and the event is held every saturday, although the time may change slightly if we have a meeting.
Super Squad Saturday is a great way to get to know other players, and get your mind of playing seriously in normal or squib games.
Supreme Galactic Overlord
AOD Member
9PM CET is 4PM ET (currently on EDT [GMT-4], not EST [GMT-5] until November 9)
Whatever the time is, Super Squad Saturday is always a blast!
I should have trademarked the name when I first introduced it awhile back :P

Originally Posted by
Best forum post EVER!!!!
I get enough exercise just pushing my luck
AOD Member
I made a proposal in "The hangar" that would work. Battle of Britain- only planes that took part. That French seafront town can double for the English coast so we could have tanks also. Just stuff available in late summer 1940 only. I can provide a list.
Save your breath. You'll need it to blow up your date!
I wanna do that Rocco, but it requires some planning. I can plan a game of battle of Britain for next weeks SSS.
I get enough exercise just pushing my luck
AOD Member
I get enough exercise just pushing my luck
AOD Member
well don't do stuff just for me. I'm the only WW2 fan in the group I think. IT's all jet jets jets..abrams, abrams abrams.
Save your breath. You'll need it to blow up your date!
It's not just for you, but for me as well, I want to play that gamemode again.
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