Don't worry Rocco there are way more players that are WW2 vehicles fans ..I'm 2 of them I barely ever play jets ...
I prefer Spitfires and BF109 F4 and even biplanes over high tier jets and tanks
Don't worry Rocco there are way more players that are WW2 vehicles fans ..I'm 2 of them I barely ever play jets ...
I prefer Spitfires and BF109 F4 and even biplanes over high tier jets and tanks
Well since the new update got implemented. AA vs bombers. But the AA's only try to shoot down the bombs falling on them
I have a funny idea, DERP.
Rules for DERP:
Only Tanks with 150mm or bigger allow (No rank restriction for the tanks or battle rating)
HE or HESH only (Tanks with HESH we have to see if they are too strong)
Team vs Team (best balanced)
What do you think about that?
An idea that can be worked on I'm sure.
Credit: Shooting Soldier
I got an idea about another minigame named back in time. I don’t know if somebody thought of this already but we could have a minigame where when you get kills you get lower and lower tier (you are traveling back in time to the first tanks in the game). After you got to the lowest tier and get 3 kills you have won or if you want to do this in two team’s first team to get to the bottom wins.
-You can choose whatever mode you want (Arcade, Realistic and Simulator)
-Match needs to have no vehicle loss (you can respawn in same vehicles regardless if it gets destroyed or not)
-Every player starts with his most modern vehicle (highest BR), but all players need to be same tier, BR or whatever standards you have
-Every player starts with same amounts of vehicles (there can’t be one player with 7 slots and another with only 3 slots)
-When you destroy other player you need to leave the vehicle immediately and hop into one which is 1 tier below vehicle you were just playing (this continues until you are at the bottom of the tier)
-You can choose any country you want but tiers must be the same
-If you get destroyed by tank with same tier and class you need to go 1 tier higher
Free for all (Simulator)
-After you got to the lowest tank in your lineup you need to kill 3 players to secure victory (if you get killed before you get 3 kills you go 1 tier higher (even if you are killed with tier 10 tank), but after 3 kills you are safe from climbing again into higher tier)
Team Deathmatch (Arcade, Realistic)
-If you decide to compete with two teams the rules are pretty much the same but the difference is that all players from one team need to get to the lowest tier possible and they can help each other to get to that point (for instance: If someone have already get into safe zone he can try and help other players get the kills)
-Cap the point add-on: This add-on lets you get to the lower tier when you cap the point or points all the way. For every point player gets 1 tiers lower. Victory should be assured just with kills not with caps. Teams would then need to be more coordinated around the map but it would probably become something like a regular game.
-Guardian add-on: This add-on is the introduction of guardians which would be voluntary players which would guard the capture points in highest ranks of tanks. That would prevent small and already low tier tanks to snatch an upgrade or degrade in this case, but wouldn’t stop struggling players in the highest ranks to at least get in lower tiers. Point caps are now much more rewarding you get two tears lower if you cap the point
Guardian Rules:
-There are maximum of 3 guardians on 1 point
-Guardians can travel from one point to another
- At the start of the match guardians go to the points and go into their positions when they say they are ready game begins
-2 of the guardians need to be from team one and other 2 from team two (unless it is a simulator battle where you can kill you teammates)
-Guardians can’t camp in the bushes or hills from very far away
Tell me what you think about this idea. I would love to see your replys.
Gamemode name: Tag
Units: Air - Fighters
Difficulty: Depends on who is "it"
Maps: any will do, add mountains and a 1000m alt limit for extra fun
Time: Daylight. You can try it at night, but I don't recommend it.
Respawns: Endless
One person is selected as "it" at the very beginning of the round and gets x amount of time (depends on the map) to get clear of the others, who have to circle their spawn. Once that time has passed, the person who is "it" turns on their smoke (nobody else is allowed to do this) and the hunt is on.
All players ingame have to hunt the person who is "it" and are forbidden to shoot each other. The person who is "it" can't fire guns, cannons, rockets, etc. but is allowed to drop bombs.
The player who gets the killshot becomes the new "it", has to pop his smoke generator on and is now the one to be hunted.
If the player who is "it" crashes by himself, he is collectively ridiculed and gets another shot at being "it".
Idea behind this:
We played this a bit a couple days ago on a whim and it was tremendous fun. Having newer players in 3.x-4.x monoplanes chase an experienced player in a Reserve biplane is also great training when it comes to manoeuvres, throttle control, etc.
Alternative modes:
- Biplanes only (guarantees some fun in a very mountainous area)
- Weapons Free (shoot each other, shoot the target, shoot a tree, all good, rest of the rules apply)
- IT gets guns/cannons
- Bombers Only
- Punishments (crash yourself, and you have to pick a biplane to respawn)
- Gungame (have a fixed selection of aircraft for everyone, you have to shoot down "it" to progress to the next one)
i second this!
Map: [Conquest #2] Maginot Line
Battle Type: Arcade (Ground Vehicles Only)
Allowed Tanks: BT-5 (USSR Reserve) or any Rank I Turretless Tank Destroyer
Time Limit: 25 Minutes
Respawns Allowed: Unlimited
Both teams must line up on the north or south edge of the town, whichever side is closer to the spawn.
Once given the command to begin, both teams will enter town and follow ONLY roads
Tanks may only travel forward and may not stop (no reversing, no "U-turns")
You may engage the enemy at any distance.
Tank turrets MUST point forward at all times (within 45° arc)
All play MUST take place within the town. Once you're in, you can't get out!
If you are on a road which leads out of town, take the next road back into town.
No Capping!
How easy will that be to enforce?
I mean, especially the "fixed turret" rule might be a bit of an issue. And what happens when you make a turn into a dead end?
Promising concept tho! :)
Name: Technicals!
Inspiration: Recreating the The Great Toyota Technical War Of 1987, which featured thousands of "technicals" - civilian trucks converted to military vehicles through the addition of janky gun turrets
Further Inspiration: /r/ShittyTechnicals
Difficulty: Realistic
Map: Middle East (lol)
Trucks and halftraks non-enclosed turrets.
thanks it was loads off fun
Ash River Race (it is an absolute nightmare, and takes ages to complete, without interference
this sounds pretty fun.