Hello my fellow Pilots, Captains and Tankers!
Super Squad Saturday is back!
This is an event where we do not take the game serious & just want to have fun; not worrying about playing the objective directly or any repair costs incurred.
We set up a custom match and then continue from there.
The Custom Battle is to always have a password, & the password is to always be JOINAOD
Please feel free to reply to this thread if you would like to submit an idea for a Super Squad Saturday match.
Follow these requirements:
- Try to make it accessible for all members, so please nothing like jets only etc.
- Be specific on your idea. Do not just say "let's do this ..." Mention the rules and regulations as well as a brief idea in how the game is meant to be played.
- Your idea must be feasible and provide a good game play experience for all participants. Therefore, as an example, do not do something like Maus vs reserve*.
* Unless the reserve is BoomBoom