The Devs have responded and agreed to be a little transparent, I think its pretty cool and as XO worth a Holonet post.
The MB2 Forum link:
The Roadmap link:
Trello Roadmap
What to Expect:
Seeing various Tasks under specific development categories.
Developers working on a Task.
Checklists, Notes, Screenshots showing the progress of a Task.
Release Estimates.
Dreams for the future.
Recent Release Category with all recently released items.
Please take note:
Items on the roadmap are potential goals for the MBII team to update at their discretion.
Not all potential items are currently listed.
Items are always subject to change.
The existence of an item being on the roadmap itself does not guarantee that item to ever be released.
An item's release date is an estimation intended to act as a goal for that particular item, but does not guarantee that item's release.
The roadmap is a living document that is still fairly fresh:
Features in the roadmap are still being added and constructed.
Not all developers are yet included in the roadmap.