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    Alles musz in Flammen stehen DieOlleScholle's Avatar
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    Default Premium vehicles: a (almost) comprehensive list of every nation

    Premium vehicles: a comprehensive list of every nation
    Original by: Donny 'Fucking' Mack
    Brought up-to-date by: DieOlleScholle

    As someone who owns most of the premiums in-game, I've decided to share my experiences with these vehicles as a point of reference for AOD members.

    Rule of thumb: when buying a premium you need to ask yourself if what your getting fits in one of these three categories:
    - Is the vehicle super OP at its current BR
    - Is it a very unique vehicle
    - Is it cost effective or discounted 50% or more

    Additionally, keep in mind when researching vehicles you can get the same, if not greater RP, by putting a talisman on a vehicle of your choosing.

    Many people are confused about the value of a talisman vs. getting a Premium vehicle. Whether it be a tank or plane (or boat), premium vehicle's value is simple: Silver Lions. However, that might not be the best route to take when talking about researching a tech tree or getting crew points. Additionally, premium vehicles might not be as good as the ones in the regular tech tree.

    For example, say you want to research American tanks. You're looking at 7.0 because of the T29 and its glory, but the tank costs $40! As an alternative, for 2,000 golden eagles (~14), you can get a talisman for the T34, along with 500 eagles left over. This will allow you to research at the same rate as a premium vehicle.

    Remember, the only difference between premiums and non-premiums w/ talismans is the silver lions.

    Here's the table of contents for this post:
    - America
    - Germany
    - Russia
    - Britian
    - Japan
    - Italy
    - France
    - Sweden
    - China


    T1) M2A4 1st arm. div.: Nay – All Stuart’s are pretty much the same. Just talisman the tech tree one.

    T1) M3A1 (USMC): Nay – Upgraded Stuart. Not worth the Eagles.

    T2) M4A5 RAM II: Yay (Unique) – Trollie armor and a decent gun. Better in RB than AB though good in both.

    T2) M5A1 5th arm. div.: Nay – Another Stuart. Pass again. Start prepping for Sherman’s.

    T2) T14 - Yay (Unique) - Very strong tank for its BR. Great compliment to the Jumbos.

    T3) M18 “Black Cat”: Yay-ish (OP) – Great RB tank but not so much in AB.

    T3) T20: Yay (OP) – Great vehicle. Very zippy, pretty fast, and comes with a 76mm cannon & .50 cal to take care of anything in your path.

    T3) Cobra King: Yay (OP) – Top five vehicles in the game (as long as you’re not fully up-tiered). Prints money and research. Must have.

    T3) Calliope: Nay – Too expensive for a gimmick tank.

    T4) M26 T99: Nay – Need the Calliope to get to this. Another gimmick tank that’s not very good.

    T4) T28: Yay (OP) – CAUTION: Very slow tank. VERY. Despite this it’s extremely OP at its BR. Think a 7.0 BR T95 but at 6.3.

    T4) Super Hellcat: Nay – Not as good as the tech tree model. Reload is very slow and the cannon isn’t special enough to justify the cost of the vehicle.

    T4) M26E1: Yay-ish (OP) – Great AB tank, not so much in RB. A slow as a heavy tank in RB.

    T4) T29: Yay (OP) – Amazing tank. Its lower hull is very squish but other than that it’s very tough with a great cannon.

    T4) M46 “Tiger”: Nay – Decent tank for its BR despite having a stupid giant tiger giveaway on the front of it. Teeters the fence every other patch between good and average. Better off talisman-ing a tech tree vehicle, even the regular M46.

    T5) T114: Nay – Expensive gimmick tank. Great rounds and pretty nice in RB, however, not worth the Eagles. You can get a couple of talismans for the cost of this one vehicle.

    T5) T54E1: Nay - Expensive tank. Historically the first american tank to be fitted with a autoloader. Get XM-1 instead.

    T5) Magach: Nay – M48 with a better cannon and no copula. Constant up-tier makes this tank non-viable. Anything 8.0+ with a dart round will 1-shot this tank. Very expensive bundle and probably cheaper to buy 4 talismans for tier 5 vehicles instead.

    T6) XM-1 (GM): Yay (OP) - Premium Abrams with a lesser of a shell. Very powerful tank and little difference between this one and the tech tree one. Extremely fast, mobile, well armored and has a great BR.


    T1) Thach F2A-1 Buffalo: Nay – Pretty good plane though better off getting a talisman on the tech tree model.

    T2) XP-38G: Nay – Bad AB plane and so-so in RB. P-38’s get good but this model is average and not worth the GE’s.

    T2) Ki-43-II: Yay (OP) – Amazing low-tier plane. Very easy to control and does everything you need it to.

    T2) XP-55: Yay (Unique) – Fun to fly, especially in AB. Not OP, just a really fun plane to fly.

    T2) Ki-61-lb: Nay – Plane lacks in so many areas. Put a talisman on anything else and move on.

    T2) A6M2: Yay (OP) – Amazing plane, especially in AB. Turn fighting beast.

    T3) XP-50: Yay (Unique/OP) – Small, dual-engine fighter capable of taking anyone out. Better in RB but still functional in both.

    T3) BF 109 F-4: Yay (OP) – Amazing plane that can do a little bit of everything. Very good in AB.

    T3) BTD-1: Yay (Unique/OP) – Fighter that has two torpedo’s and cannons. Great plane.

    T3) P-61A-1: Nay – Same as the regular tech tree but gets no ordinance. What’s the point?

    T4) P-47M-1-RE: Yay (OP) – Best of all the P-47’s. Can do everything a P-47 does to its fullest capabilities.

    T4) FW 190 A-8: Yay (OP) – Cannons, cannons and more cannons. Head on beast.

    T4) P-51D-20 NA: Nay – Get a talisman on a tech tree P-51 if truly desired.

    T4) Spitfire LF Mk IXc: Yay (OP) – American Spit. Great plane. Can do everything asked of it.

    T4) XA-38 Grizzly: Nay – Too expensive for a niche plane. 75mm is the same as on the PBJ, only 20 shells. Not an overly impressive vehicle to justify its cost.

    T5) F-89B: Nay - Used to be OP. Constantly getting uptiered now.

    T5) F-89D Nay - Has a metric fuck-ton rockets. Nice gimmick, too expensive to acquire.

    T5) F-86F-35 Nay - Put a Talisman on a tech-tree vehicle. Too expensive for a mediocre vehicle.


    T1) Pz II DAK: Nay – Put a talisman on a Pz II F or anything else.

    T1) Sd Kfz 140/1: Yay (OP) – Amazing tank. Able to shred T1 with ease.

    T1) NbFz: Nay – Gimmick tank. Pretty much a Pz IV C with a huge turret to get shot up.

    T2) Pz III N: Nay – Bad tank for its BR. Should be a 2.3 max; gets way out-tiered.

    T2) Panzerwerfer 42: Nay – Gimmick tank. Rockets will do damage but it’s very difficult to use.

    T2) T-34-747(r): Yay (OP) – A T-34-42 with an extra plate of armor in the front. One of the best T-34’s in the game.

    T2) Pz Kpfw Chruchill: Yay (Unique) – A rare 4.0 BR Heavy in the German lineup. Good tank for its tier.

    T3) Pz Bfw IV: Yay (OP) – Rounds out an AB lineup extremely well. Only get in RB for the cash. Great performing tank despite its slow turret traverse.

    T3) Brummbar: Nay – Gimmick tank that has extreme difficultly killing anything at distance.

    T3) KV-II 754r: Yay (OP) – Drop mobile at a lower BR than the Tigers first appearance. Fun tank if you can stand the reload.

    T3) KV-1B 756(r): Nay – Decent heavy though its gun is a bit outclassed at 5.0.

    T3) Panzer IV/70 (A): Nay – Really bad tank. Gun doesn’t deliver and is super squishy.

    T4) Bfw Jadpanther: Nay – Basic Jadpanther. Nothing special about this tank. Just put a talisman on a regular tech tree one.

    T4) Tiger II (H) Sla 16: Yay (OP) – One of the biggest BS mobiles in the game. Extremely powerful tank at its BR.

    T4) Pz Bfw VI (P): Nay – Bad Tiger. Better off putting a talisman on anything else for the cost of this tank.

    T4) Ru-251: Yay (Unique/OP) – Extremely quick and maneuverable. Cannon delivers big time despite only carrying heat.

    T5) mKpz M47: Nay – For $50 you can get one T5 tank or 4 talismans on anything you want. This tank is not special, unique or OP, so save your money. Sometimes comes available at certain times of year.

    T6) Leopard A1A1 (L/44): Yay - A very good gun at 9.0. Can penetrate at basically anything and is incredibly mobile.

    T1) Flegel’s Bf 109 A: Yay (Unique): Offers you a T1 Bf 109 right away. Good plane for its BR.

    T1) He 112 B-1/U2: Nay – Same as the one in the regular tech tree.

    T2) IL-2 (1942): Nay – It’s a low BR attacker that can be useful in AB but doesn’t serve much purpose.

    T2) Wellington Mk Ic: Nay – Low BR bomber. Good in RB but not a better bomber than the tech tree bombers.

    T2) BV 238: Yay (Unique/OP) – Major bomb load + devastating gunners = beast. Worth every penny.

    T2) Yak-1B: Nay – Basic Yak, and not even a very good one. Decent plane for an AB lineup but not special.

    T3) Ta 154 A-1: Yay (Unique/OP) – Plane is amazing, especially in AB. Very powerful cannons.

    T3) P-47D: Yay (Unique/OP) – Still the most OP planes in the game. Special in every sense.

    T3) La-5FN: Nay – Basic Russian plane. Not worth the GE’s.

    T4) FW 190 D-13: Nay – Very nice plane but not worth the GE’s. Tech tree vehicle is just as good, put a talisman on that.

    T4) Tempest Mk V: Nay – Very expensive British plane. Pretty decent but not worth the GE’s.

    T4) Do 335 B-2: Yay – Incredibly good ground-striker. Has 3 Mk103 which can carry HVAP. A very good grinder for air. Bomber Harris' nightmare.

    T4) He 219 A-7: Yay (Unique/OP) – Extremely powerful and easy to fly. Better RB than AB plane.

    T4) Bf 109Z Zwilling: Yay (Unique/OP) - Similar to a F-82 style dual-engine plane, but a Bf 109. Very stable, easy to fly and has a powerful arsenal. Real good bomber hunter. Not always available to buy.

    T4) Ju 288c: Yay (OP) - Extremely fast, carries 2 base busting 1800kg bombs, turrets are extremely well placed and can cover the entire bomber from any angle.

    T5) See Hawk Mk. 100: Nay - Doesn't perfom well at 8.0. With sabres and Migs at 8.7 its useless. Talisman one of the Arados or any other jet you feel comfortable with.

    T6) Mi-24P HFS: Nay - Too expensive. Put a talisman on the tech-tree Mi-24P


    T1) T-26E: Nay – Horrible tank. Put a talisman on a BT-5 instead.

    T1) T-26 (1st Gv. T. Br.): Nay – Not worth anything. Talisman anything else.

    T1) T-35: Nay – Virtually useless battleship. Only good for a goof.

    T1) SU-57: Nay – Despite it being on a truck, it has a very powerful cannon. Regardless, it’s not enough to warrant buying this vehicle.

    T1) T-126: Yay (OP) – Very strong low-level tank. Really fun to play. Like a beefed-up T-50.

    T1) BM-8-24: Nay – One of the worst tanks in the game. Extremely gimmicky, get 1-shot machine.

    T1) T-III: Nay – Captured Panzer III J. Nothing special about this tank.

    T2) T-34 (1st Gv. T. Br.): Nay – Most basic of the post 1940 T-34’s. A talisman on a T-34 1942 at the same BR would make for a better choice.

    T2) ZUT-37: Nay – Ineffective as an AA, works as a tank killer in RB. Very slow and quirky, the only reason to own this is to troll in RB.

    T2) SMK: Nay – Fun tank but not worth buying it. Similar to the first KV-1 in performance.

    T2) KV-1E: Yay (OP) – Very good tank. Under powered cannon but effective. Armor is amazing.

    T3) T-34-57 mod 1943: Nay – Over tier T-34-57. Cheaper and easier to put a talisman on the tech tree version.

    T3) M4A2: Nay – 76mm Sherman that is decent for its BR but not worth the GE’s. There’s many Russian

    T3) SU-100Y: Nay – Very bulky TD that’s not on par with the other TD’s surrounding it. Extremely long reload and size make it disadvantageous.

    T3) KV-2 (ZIS-6): Yay (Unique) – One of the few snipers in the Russian lineup. Extremely powerful gun that reloads rather quickly.

    T4) KV-122: Nay – Same BR as the IS-2 despite having a much weaker hull. Not worth the GE’s.

    T4) T-34-100: Yay (OP in RB/SB) – Having a 100mm at 6.7 is very nice in all game modes. It's ultra super squishy in AB but the cannon, speed and mobility make it a great in the other game modes.

    T4) T-44-122: Nay – Driver port in the front along with the super long reload makes this tank virtually non-viable.

    T4) SU-122P: Nay – Luxury to have despite being an amazing TD. With a quickened reload and beefed up shells, this tank is not worth the GE’s.

    T4) IS-2 “Revenge”: Nay – Same tank as the IS-2-44 without the co-ax and chicken wire. Better off with a talisman on the tech tree version.

    T4) IS-6: Yay (OP) – One of the best tanks Gaijin's released. Extremely fast, well armored and has a great cannon.

    T5) Object 120: Yay (Unique/OP) – Very zippy with a magnificent cannon. Performs at a much higher level than its BR suggests.

    T6) T-55AM-1: Nay - Possibly one of the worst top-tier tanks. Doesn't have thermal vision and not the most mobile. Talisman one of T-54s

    T1) Zhukovsky’s I-153-M62: Yay (OP) – Extremely powerful turn fighter that will make short work of nearly anything. Very good ground-striking-capabilities

    T1) PBY-5a Catalina: Nay – float plane with little purpose.

    T1) Hampden TB Mk 1: Nay – Despite being a good bomber, the Russian bombers are equal if not better. I’d put a talisman on the tech tree bombers before purchasing this.

    T2) I-153P: Yay (Unique/OP) – Great tank RB. as well as smaller AB maps. plane where you don’t have to fly huge distances. Very powerful with the cannons and able to out-turn anything.

    T2) Hurricane Mk IIB: Yay (Unique/OP) – Hurricane with very powerful cannons. Very good for its BR.

    T2) I-16 Type 28: Nay – Put a talisman on the tech tree version if you desire this plane.

    T2) P-40E-1: Yay (OP) – .50 cals of freedom are strong for this fighter that’s not bad at climbing and turning. Very balanced aircraft.

    T2) P-39K-1: Nay – Decent plane for its BR. I’d pass on this in favor of a Russian plane.

    T3) B-25J-30: Yay (OP) – Extremely good bomber at its BR that is very capable of protecting itself from the enemy.

    T3) P-63A-5: Yay (OP) – Powerful cannon/machine gun setup makes this vehicle very strong for its BR.

    T3) P-47D-27: Yay (OP) – Extremely strong plane that’s easy to fly and do well in. Well worth the GE’s for this plane.

    T4) FW- 190 D-9: Nay – Very expensive Focke-Wulf. Good plane but not worth the GE’s.

    T4) Yak-3 (Vk-107): Nay – Very expensive plane despite its upside. Very fast, maneuverable and powerful if you do decide to get it.

    T4) La-11: Nay – Much better performing La-9 but not worth the cost of the bundle.

    T4) Be-6: Yay - Russian BV-238. Good bombload. 23mm turrets all round.

    T5) Mig-17AS: Yay - Mig-17 with anti-air missiles. If you dont want to spend 50$ on the pack you can also talisman a Mig-15 or Mig-17.

    T6) Ka-50 <<Black Shark>>: Yay (OP) - Arguably the best heli in game. The ATGM are god-like.


    T1) A13 Mk I 3rd RTR: Nay – Not worth the eagles to get this. One’s available in the regular tech tree.

    T1) Independent: Yay (Unique) – Really fun reserve level tank. 40mm cannon’s rounds have explosive filler.

    T2) Cromwell RP-3: Nay – Gimmick tank that has unguided rockets. Otherwise a regular Cromwell.

    T3) AC IV Thunderbolt: Nay – Similar to the Sherman Firefly. Has more zip and trolly-er armor, but still a Sherman replica.

    T3) Firefly <<Scorpion>>: Nay – Same as the Sherman Firefly in the regular tech tree.

    T4) Strv 81: Nay – A Centurion with rockets. Great tank, but a gimmick bundle tank.

    T5) AVRE: Nay - Very well armored Centurion with a weird cannon. While the HESH is effective, it's the only shell the cannon gets. There is also a massive reload to take into consideration. Massive meme-gun tho.

    T6) Sho't Kal Dalet: Nay - A better protected Centurion. Bad mobility. Not worth the bundle.

    T1) Tuck’s Gladiator Mk II: Nay – Good biplane but not much different than the regular tech tree.

    T1) Havok Mk I: Nay – Not a bad early tier bomber but not one worth the GEs.

    T1) Wiraway: Yay (Unique) – Nice attacker plane, great for reserve level planes. Tons of fun to take into battle.

    T1) Catalina Mk I Va: Nay – Nothing special here, only a float plane.

    T2) Boomerang Mk I: Yay (OP) – Really nice plane, especially good in AB. Very similar to a Spitfire.

    T2) Boomerang Mk II: Yay (OP) – Pretty much the same as the 1st Boomerang.

    T2) Avenger Mk II: Nay – Early torp bomber, otherwise a gimmick plane.

    T2) Hudson Mk V: Nay – Very clunky and not good at what it does, which is attacking ground targets.

    T2) Corsair F. Mk II: Yay (OP) – Clipped wings make it amazing in RB. Great for its BR in AB.

    T3) Hellcat Mk II: Yay (OP) – Great plane. Easy to fly and comes stocked with bombs, rockets and 0.50 cal’s.

    T3) Mustang Mk IA: Yay (OP) – One of the best planes in the game in AB. Must have.

    T4) Wyvern S4: Yay (Unique) – Trollie plane that carries a massive number of bombs and rockets.

    T4) MB.5: Nay – Wyvern without ordinance; what’s the point?

    T5) Meteor Mk.8 "Reaper": Yay - A magnifiecent piece of british engineering. Not the fastest at it's BR but can turnfight with everything. Very good ground-striker

    T5) Hunter FGA.9: Yay - Rhodesian Hunter. A hunter with anti-air missiles. Can hold it's own with the current BR. Can wipe the floor with the enemy team in a downtier.

    T5) G-Lynx: Yay - A very good heli. Incredibly nimble and magnifiecent missiles.


    T1) Ha-Go Commander: Nay – Horrible reserve tank; one step up from the I-Go Ko and not much better than the French. Avoid buying this.

    T1) Ro-Go: Nay – Gimmick tank that’s on par with the T-35. Waste of time and money.

    T2) Chi-Ha “Short Gun”: Nay – Nearly impossible to kill anything. Horrible gimmick tank.

    T3) Chi-Nu II: Yay (OP) – Gun’s as good as it gets. One of the best tanks in the game. Absolutely amazing. Must have.

    T3) Heavy Tank No 6.: Yay (Unique) – Only real heavy the Japanese get. Fits in well in a 6.0 lineup. Not always available.

    T4) Ho-Ri Prototype: Yay (OP) – Despite it being a little squishy in its upper hull, its gun is extremely powerful. Dubbed the Jap Ferdinand.

    T5) Type 75 MLRS: Nay - Gimmick tank. Too expensive.

    T6) Type 74G: Yay - Very capable MBT. Lowrider memes with hydropneumatic suspension.

    T1) Hagiri’s A5M4: Nay – Very underpowered, can’t hang with the other reserves.

    T1) A7He1: Nay – Gets cannons but is a quirky aircraft to fly.

    T2) F4U-1a: Yay (OP) – Very good, tough plane. Will take a beating but still keep going. Six 50 cal’s are OP at this BR.

    T2) Bf 109 E-7: Yay (OP) – Highly maneuverable and a really good AB plane, will be able to take down anything at its BR.

    T2) Ki-44-II otsu: Nay (Only AB) – Amazing plane in AB. Can kill two of anything per reload; not so hot in RB due to having to RTB and reload.

    T2) H8K3: Nay – Already available in the regular tech tree.

    T2) Ki-100-II: Nay (Only AB) – Not a big fan; will be a good AB plane for a 3.7 lineup. Somewhat underpowered but has a good cannon setup.

    T3) A7M1 (NK9H): Yay (OP) – Great aircraft. Highly maneuverable, fast for Japs, great firepower.

    T3) FW 190 A-5: Yay (OP) – Flies really smooth and has that crazy good Focke-Wulf gun setup

    T3) Ki-96: Nay – Jap heavy fighter. Better climbing Ki-108.

    T4) J2M4 Kai: Nay – Too many available in the regular tech tree.

    T4) A6M5 Ko: Nay – Only available in a special pack. Copy of the other A6M’s. Nothing more than a Zero.

    T4) J2M5: Nay – 30mm’s are decent in AB because of the reload. Other than that, a J2M.

    T4) B-17E: Nay – Despite being one of the better bombers that the Japs have, it’s 6K lbs payload makes it an average bomber in comparison to the G5N1.

    T4) Ki-87: Nay – High climber developed to hunt bombers. The plane has average speed, an inability to turn well, and still can’t take any hits, the late model Japs are bad and this one fits right in.

    T5) F-86F-40 JASDF: Yay - One of the best Sabres with anti-air missiles. Fuckin horrible in a uptier.

    T5) AH-1S Kisarazu: Nay - Once a japanese heli tree will be added this might be worth it. Gets outclassed by contemporary helicopters at the same BR.


    T1) M13/40 (II):

    T2) P40 “Leoncello”: Yay (Unique/OP) – Gun is mediocre but the tank is tough as nails. Can take major damage and not even blink. Don’t expect to snipe anything.

    T4) M26 “Ariete”: Nay – An American M26. Gun is underpowered, even for 6.3, and the tank itself is not highly mobile, fast, or able to take much damage in any game mode. Not always available.

    T6) OF-40 (MTCA): Yay - Italian Leopard. Very good gun, good mobility.

    T1) Marcolin’s C.R. 42 CN: Nay – A bi-plane. That’s it. A talisman for 80 GE will earn you more research than this plane for 250 GE.

    T2) IAR-81C: Nay – Ground attacker pretending to be a fighter. It carries a nice ammo load and ordinance but is severely underpowered, steady but non-maneuverable. Is very good at what it does but probably not what you’d like it to do.

    T3) Hs 129 B-2 (Romania): Yay-ish (OP) - Amazing in AB, not so much in RB as it struggles with engine power and flight performance.

    T3) Spitfire Mk Vb/Trop: Nay – It’s a spit, but it’s not Italian. You’re much better off with talisman on the C.205 Serie 3 or G. 55 (any)

    T3) Bf-109 G-2: Nay - Reskin of a G-2. Not worth the GE.

    T4) G. 55S: Yay (Unique/OP) – Great plane in both game modes. Turns like a biplane, has great ammo loadout w/ very powerful cannons, one of few fighters in the game that gets a torpedo.

    T5) G.91 R/4: Yay - Very capable jet. Good anti-ground ability with anti-ship missiles.

    T5) A-129 International: Nay - Altough a good helicopter it can't be used to grind out other helicopters since the italian tree hasn't been added yet. In the future might be worth buying.


    T1) H.39 <<Cambronne>>: Nay – Avoid French T1 anything at all costs. Not worth anything but heartache and trouble. Bite the bullet, get through your T1’s and move on.

    T2) B1 ter: Yay (OP) – Matches up with the B1 bis extremely well. Much tougher than the bis though pretty much the same tank.

    T3) M4A1 (FL10): Yay (OP) – Sherman with a supped-up cannon plus auto-loader. Extremely powerful for 4.7 in both game modes.

    T4) AMX-13 (SS. 11): Nay – Gimmick tank. Think French T92 w/ 4 rockets. Once those rockets are gone the tank becomes very average due to slow mobility and a bad cannon.

    T4) Panther <<Dauphine>>: Nay - Just a overprized Panther. Buy the M4A1 (Fl10) instead.

    T5) AMX-30 Super: Yay - A french leopard. Good mobility and capable gun make this a tank which can compete with the best of it's BR.

    T1) Pallier’s D.510: Nay – Good plane, especially vs. reserves, but a talisman on a D.501 for 80 GE will earn you more research than this plane for 250 GE.

    T1) D.371 H.S.9: Nay – Two cannons w/ 30 ammo each doesn’t provide for much shooting. Despite the plane being decent, the ammo disappears in an instance.

    T3) Yak-9T: Yay (Rare vehicle/OP) – Great plane. Projected availability is once per year. Provides a great boost to upper tier French, which are thin. Great AB plane and must have for any AB lineup.

    T3) Yak-3: Yay (OP) – It’s a Yak. Nothing special. Fans of Yak-3’s will love the plane. Fast and handles well.

    T4) S.O.8000 Narval: Yay (Unique) – Very forgiving and easy to fly. Cannons are very deadly. Not always available.

    T5) Vautour IIA IDF/AF: Yay - A upgrade to the tech-tree Vautours. It gets anti-air missiles, is fast, gets an airspawn and is a supremely underestimated Boom and Zoomer.

    T6) EC-665 Tiger HAP: Nay - A good heli but not a really good line-up to use it in. Once France gets more top-tier vehicles might be worth buying.


    T2) SAV 20.12.48: Yay - Very mobile tank. Great firepower and can be used to grind out swedish low-tier. (Swedish Tanks coming in 1.97)

    T5) Strv 103-0: Yay - After they fixed the gun-targeting this tank became very powerful. Even at 7.7 it's still hard to frontally penetrate it. Hull-down monster.

    T1) Jacobi's J8A: Nay - Re-skin of a tech-tree vehicle.

    T3) Pyöreemyrsky: Yay - Think of a american 109 esque aircraft. Good grinder and one hell to try to spell.

    T5) J29D: Nay - Gets outclassed by the G91s, F86s and Mig-15s. Consider buying in the future.


    T1) T-26 No.531: Nay - Re-skin of the normal T-26.

    T2) M4A4 (1st PTG): Nay - Also just a re-skin.

    T3) T-35-85 No.215: Nay - Guess what! Another fuckin re-skin.

    T3) IS-2 No.402: Nay - See above.

    T5) T-62 N.545: Yay - Finally not a re-skin. A formidable addition to a 8.7 line-up.

    T1) Hawk III: Nay - Just another biplane nothing too special.

    T2) H-81A-2: Yay - A P-40 with 4 .30 and 2 .50 cals. Good low BR fighter. Comes with cool camoflage.

    T2) Ki-45 hei/tei: Nay - Gimmick plane with upward facing guns (Schräge Musik). Otherwise nothing special. Might consider picking this up on a discount.

    T3) A6M2: Yay - It's a zero. What else to say. The armament can sometimes be lacking but the flight-performance and handling is beautiful. Can outturn everything.

    T4) Ki-84 Ko: Nay - The japanese high-tier props perform poorly, so does this aircraft.

    T5) Shenyang F-5: Yay - Mig-17 on steriods. It gets anti-air missiles and an afterburner. Gets dunked on in an uptier.

    Feedback is always appreciated. What do you think? Are there any Yays or Nays you disagree with?

  2. #2
    Knee High to a Worms Ass CaptCantankerous's Avatar
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    Awesome post here. I fairly new to game and this is excellent information and very helpful. Thank you so much for putting this together.

  3. #3
    Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I AOD Member AOD_GetSchwifty's Avatar
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    Only going to respond to the things I read for the US at the moment, just where I have a somewhat strong opinion:

    T114 in my opinion is amazing. I'm not saying it's worth the price, as it certainly isn't (I got it for basically $20 in a bundle sale a while back), but it's my most-played tank. It hits far above its BR, surprises the hell out of people for being so tiny, it gets airstrike (spot enemies to spawn planes easier), and will one-shot all kinds of things. You basically don't have to aim at a weakpoint with this thing to kill someone, or to at least disable them until you can get your next three rounds in at 2.5s reload each. It also repairs friendlies and is amphibious... for whatever rare good the latter is. Its only downsides are being penetrable by .50s up close (but you won't be facing the US), and having only two crew. Surprisingly, it can actually take a large-caliber hit here and there. Just treat it like any other paper tank with a very good round and it'll treat you well.

    T28: I enjoy this tank a lot, but wouldn't call it OP. It also really can't equate to the T95 because it's missing 100mm armor on both of its *very* long sides. I think it turns slower as well. It's super situational, too, because it only really works in urban-ish situations and when you have buddies guarding your sides with good coordination. If you get flanked, you are _done_. BUT if you get a good flank to hold down with it, or get to cover a main road, it's intensely good. People will hunt for a spot to penetrate your front, but lacking a crazy-large HE round or HEAT, they can't do anything.

    Calliope: Got this for like $5 with a coupon or something. Extremely gimmicky, DEFINITELY not worth full price, but good for the lulz when you have an extra spot in your lineup and want to sling nearly-useless rockets at the enemy's face.

    (Rare tank not mentioned above) T18E2 Boarhound: This thing is fantastic. It's the same 57mm British gun as on the M4A5 and British AEC MK II. Fires fast (4s I believe when aced) with a very forgiving muzzle velocity, has great pen for its BR (3.0, over 100mm pen with APHE), low SP cost (light scout vehicle), good amount of crew, and smoke grenades. It does suffer the same mobility issues as any other wheeled vehicle, but I've got the thing up to 90km/h on roads in the right conditions. Its armor is better than you expect for a light vehicle at its BR, as well. ...I wouldn't recommend buying the thing on the marketplace for whatever crazy amount it's going for, though.

    XA-38 Grizzly: I love this thing. It's a bit gimmicky, sure, but only insofar as it's fairly situational. Yes it's the same 75mm gun as the PBJ, but the PBJ is FAR more difficult to get on target. The Grizzly is much more maneuverable (and I believe faster), so you can track your target until just the right moment to fire. I've also *never* run out of 75mm ammunition because you simply will not have time to use all of it. Its defensive guns are good, too. Downsides: Other than the 75mm, which is nigh useless vs air targets, the only frontal armament is two M2s. You'll have better luck vs air targets letting them get on your tail than by trying to turn with them after the initial pass. Also, the 500lb'ers are not that great since they drop so far apart, but they're not totally useless.

  4. #4
    Give me your damn Tots youngerskywalker's Avatar
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    I love lists ^^ Helps decide

  5. #5
    Alles musz in Flammen stehen DieOlleScholle's Avatar
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    Thanks Schwifty for the reply,

    T114 in my opinion is amazing. I'm not saying it's worth the price, as it certainly isn't (I got it for basically $20 in a bundle sale a while back), but it's my most-played tank. It hits far above its BR, surprises the hell out of people for being so tiny, it gets airstrike (spot enemies to spawn planes easier), and will one-shot all kinds of things. You basically don't have to aim at a weakpoint with this thing to kill someone, or to at least disable them until you can get your next three rounds in at 2.5s reload each. It also repairs friendlies and is amphibious... for whatever rare good the latter is. Its only downsides are being penetrable by .50s up close (but you won't be facing the US), and having only two crew. Surprisingly, it can actually take a large-caliber hit here and there. Just treat it like any other paper tank with a very good round and it'll treat you well.
    The list is mainly concerned with how easily you can grind with vehicles and how much bang you can get for your buck. Im not denying that the T114 is a great tank. But there are better alternatives for grinding. If you can get it for cheap it might be worth.

  6. #6
    Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I AOD Member AOD_GetSchwifty's Avatar
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    Regarding the USSR:

    The T-35 I wouldn't call useless, but it's not worth the price. With ten crew members it can stand up to a lot of punishment, and you'll probably have at least one working turret after being shot even a couple times. (Whether or not that turret has your enemy in its arc is another matter). Iunno, it's a lot of fun IMO, but I like dumb vehicles.

    T-26E I think is pretty good. That armor is real nice. I got it for free though so I can't speak to the price.

    The LaGG 3-34 (2.3) can be picked up for pretty cheap on the marketplace. Its 37mm cannon destroys ground targets with ease. Great for low-BR Soviet GFRB and for RB air if you're a good shot. Also has a decent 12.7mm Berezein.
    Poryshkyn's P-39 is sort of the same. It's a better-handling version of the US P-39s, minus two .50 cals (but still retaining two), and clubs at its BR (3.0 I think). Can also be picked up relatively cheap on the marketplace last time I checked.

    Be-6 is pretty decent, but you'll have to work harder to protect your belly than in the BV-238 since its turrets don't cover as much area.

  7. #7
    Challenger 2 Connoisseur AOD Member AOD_ftsartek's Avatar
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    Few things about the high tier premiums:

    XM-1 (GM) - Now regularly faces 10.3s; its mobility advantage is negated in these cases and they can lolpen it anywhere. It's still a good tank, but it's far from OP now.

    XM-1 (Chrysler) - the Xbox vehicle - this is now arguably the better XM-1. It's an excellent vehicle for 9.0, but not game-breaking. If you have the option to get this and you want to grind the American line, it's a good choice (plus it can be used for 9.0 squibs).

    Leopard A1A1 (L/44) - good for 9.0, somewhat overshadowed by the AMX-30 Super but still a competitive vehicle at the BR. Doesn't take hits well at all, though.

    T-55AM-1 - it's genuinely not as bad as people say, simply because it's the only premium that now sucks 7.7 tanks up. Having said that, don't get it because Gaijin have hinted at replacing it with something better.

    Sho't Kal Dalet - No. Get the Rooikat instead.

    Rooikat 105 - You will learn to hate the words 'Hull' and 'Break'. Having said that, it's a good gun with thermals on a fast platform. Very nice vehicle overall.

    G-Lynx - Good vehicle, BUT there are only two tech tree vehicles to grind to get the tree Lynx. If you don't have time to grind it's worth it.

    Type 74G - A better L/44 (mostly because it's just a little less likely to get one-shot). Definitely a good pickup for the Japanese line.

    OF-40 (MTCA) - Not worth getting right now. Same BR as the AMX-30 Super and Type 74G, trading their thermals for a small mobility improvement. Normally, I'd say it's not bad, but Gaijin have hinted at replacing it with something that has thermals.

    AMX-30 Super - Arguably the best 9.0 premium right now - more mobile than the Type 74 and the L/44, and since the ammo's in the turret it doesn't always ammorack on a hull pen. Absolutely worth getting if you're looking to grind the French line.

    CV90105 - Hull break central, but it's a competitive vehicle overall. Good for an easy ride up the Swede line.

    T-62 No. 545 - It's a reskin of the Russian T-62. Identical in every way. Not worth getting even at the best of times, but particularly now that Gaijin have hinted at replacing it with a thermal premium.

  8. #8
    ☧☧☧☦︎☦︎☦︎☦︎☦︎☧☧☧ AOD Member AOD_SAINTCHRYSANTHUS's Avatar
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    ZUT-37 is 100% worth the pickup, easy aces at 2.7. Will kill any vehicle at that BR frontally, only struggling with matildas, StuH 42, B1s, and sherman 105. Completely useless as an anti-air, 100% a phenomenal premium TD.

  9. #9
    Knocking them out one at a time. AOD Member AOD_Macjagger's Avatar
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    Pressure mechanic...any prem derp goes on the prem list. 8)

  10. #10
    If I'm not back in 5....wait longer! Marthir's Avatar
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    Bought tiger II sla ages ago, awesome machines, love the looks of it and that sweet 88 cannon

  11. #11
    Keep honking. I'm reloading Bangle6's Avatar
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    Thanks for the information

  12. #12
    Knee High to a Worms Ass STROME's Avatar
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    Thankoyu so much man!

  13. #13
    Knee High to a Worms Ass AceAlfred's Avatar
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    Default You Da Bomb

    Thank you so much for this really makes it easier on my decisions!

  14. #14
    If I'm not back in 5....wait longer! AOD Member AOD_KURZHAAR's Avatar
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    Premiums... They are so costly $$$ but almost necessary to have if you want to grind the top ranks without spending months to do it. I paid in sweat and blood to grind out the Americans, Germans, and Britts. I opted to drop a little coin and bought the Merkava Mk.2D for Israeli tree. So much easier...


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