
This thread is dedicated for all of you that have received messages from other people in-game. We should try to collect most of the messesges we get and post them up in here. Firstly though I want to explain how to handle these sort of messeges when you receive them and a general behaviour guide for trashtalking.

How to handle toxic messages

Beeing called a hacker

It sometimes happen that you will get fanmail from players which think that you have used cheats or hacks to kill them. If you have used cheats to kill this person: please stop reading hear and leave this clan at once! But if you have beaten your opponent fair and square you are entiteld to screenshot it and post it to our forums!
You can respond to them but have to keep it civil, again for the sake of AOD's positive outward image.

To close out this section I want to quote the WarOwl: "If a friend calls you a hacker it an insult. If an enemy calls you a hacker, it's a compliment"

General Trashtalking

Beeing trashtalked in-game? Just stay calm and just ignore them. They go low, we go high. Furthermore, you also aren't allowed to trash talk other people.

3. Project a positive image of yourself and the AOD clan to others
Shit-talking other people would be a direct violation of the