Definitely enjoy some arcade as it’s more relaxing at times.
German and British:1-6.7
Definitely enjoy some arcade as it’s more relaxing at times.
German and British:1-6.7
I play arcade mostly, and I especially love ship battles , preferably higher tier (cruisers, and destroyers) but I can play ships for any br from 1.0-5.7. I belive I do have enough experience in ship battles to explain new recruits some advice on how to play better...
If you se me online it's likely I will want to play ships XD
In order you will see me playing mostly , in order:
----- ships 5.7 Russian, 5.0 Japan, 4.3 USA, 2.7 Germany, 3.0 Britain. I prefer playing cruisers and destroyers (Russia America and Japan) most but for some nations I do play lower br if you want a quick battle.
-----Then I play tanks , any tier 1.0--9.3 for now, preferably higher br if possible, but I will soon get 10.0 . I play mostly (for now) Russian 8.3 and America 8.0, soon to be russia 9.7 and America 10.0 when I get the respective vehicles. I can play any lower br too if anyone wants me to.
---planes I play any nation , my maximum br is 5.3 USA Germany and Britain. I love bombers :)))) I do have one squad German 7.3 jet which I sometimes play and I still have a few planes remained to grind to get Swedish and British jets, which I think I will play a lot when I will finally get them
I play arcade.
basically any BR for tanks.
and planes under BR 5.0.
ships only 2.3 BR
I think , this Option , that somebody play AB should be not only one topic dedicated... also i wish voice channels on discord. why some rooms does have voice channels, and others dont... i dont fell it right
I only fly but have:
Fave br to play is 3.7-4.0 but can go lower as i do enjoy lower br's as well
Germans to 5.0-6.0
Americans - 4.0
British to 7.0(1 9.7 jet) I am working on my british to get a full line up before i move on now
Italy - 6.0
And the rest are between 3.0-4.0
I play both AB and RB Tanks Germandy up to 5.7, USA up to 3.7 Russia 2.0 Sweden 2.0 UK 2.7
I'm allways down to play some arcade just pm me on discord Maj0rFuNk#9560 or come find me in the TeamSpeak.
USA 4.0 to 6.3
Russian 3.0 to 3.3
British. 3.0
German 2.0 to 5.7
I'm always willing to tier down to play with a fellow Comrade .![]()
I'm on from 7pm to 11pm Mountain standard Time
I play mostly tank arcade, all countries, up to 3.3-4.7 depending on the country.
Some air arcade as well, max what I have at the moment is Japan 4.7.
Useually I am online between 21-23 CET.
I can do Arcade if anyone wants to
-tanks at 5.7-8.0, preferably 6.7
Not a fan of planes so they are upto 5.7
Time is not certant due to work and child, can be needy sometimes :D
Feel free to hit me up whenever im online :)
I play a few matches of arcade a day, usually around 4-5 pm and again around 10ish pm. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you wanna do some matches, Aidan Malchor#0868.
I only do planes. I mainly play 4.0 US as I like the lineup I have for it and queue times aren't crazy long like they are for high BR matches, love playing the 10.0 matches to just don't want to always wait 5 min for a match with only 6 people on each team.
US up to 10.7
German up to 5.3ish do have a couple 6's but not enough for a decent line up at that BR
USSR up to 6.0
UK up to 7.7 though haven't done much at the upper tiers on there, decent at 4.0-5
Japan up to 3.7
China up to 4.0
Italy up to 4.3
France 2.3
Sweden 4.3
Aidan_Malchor in game if you wanna add me. It wouldn't let me edit my previous post.
I am more than happy to jump into an arcade match! I've been wanting to jump into more tank gameplay as well so I can jump from air pretty easy. Normally looking to play around 7pm-9pm Est.
Aircraft: Up to low level jets (7.4 I think...)
Tanks: Up to 5.3-5.7
Aircraft: Up to 5.7
Tanks: Up to 5.7-6.3
Aircraft: About to hit 4.7-5.3 but normally play around 4.0.
Tanks: Still low at 3.7, but this is the nation I would be trying to grind.
I play it all
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Grinding US and Germany Tanks and Aircraft. Usually on around 6pm to 9pm EST.
US tanks up to 5.0
Germany Tanks 2.0
Aircraft is still in 2.0 and below in both Germany and US.
Been having issues with my GPU, so I haven't been staying on long lately. PC crash, i go watch TV. Hopefully GPU's will be in season soon :p.
I bounce around right now between nations. Trying to save SL's I am sure you all know the routine. But if you see me online just ignore the mute speaker and PM me if you want to team up.
For those who don't know me, I only play arcade; and I enjoy it!
Whatev - Whatev
Mon-Fri 5pm-10pm GMT+12, Sat-Sun 7am-10pm GMT+12
Whatev - Whatev
Mon-Fri 5pm-10pm GMT+12, Sat-Sun 7am-10pm GMT+12
Hey I am willing to play whatever. I have high Germans, and Russians. Mid-tier Americans.
Planes (USA)
-up to 4 (br /I have farmed the p36a - f4e research line)
from 11am - 2.30 pm/ then from 4pm- 8pm (est)
Also japanese planes up to 2.3
I'm willing to play.
US 1.0-1.3 (Working my way thru that line)
US 1.0-3.0
Germany 1.0-3.7