It is bad luck to be superstitious.
AOD Member
I play Arcade
This thread is just to help follow arcade players that are looking for others to play with.
Post in here with the following:
-Type of Vehicle you play.
-Range of BR you are looking to play in. (If you got multiple nations post them as well).
-Roughly play times you can get on.
Example: (I play all three)
-US 4.0-4.7, Russia 6.7-7.7
-7pm Est to 10pm Est M-F
-US 4.0, Russia 2.7
-7pm Est to 10pm Est M-F
-US 3.3-4.3
-7pm Est to 10pm Est M-F
Line up so far.
DieOlleScholle: Will Play
Rocco Vargas: Will Play
Roeffel below 8.3 tanks, up too 3.7 boats, up too 5.0 planes.
TitanSeeker: -Brits upto 8.3, US up to 6.0, Germany up to 7.0. Brits upto 8.0, US upto 4.0, All other nations are below 3.0.
PatchyUSMC: tanks 3-5.3, PLanes 4.0, Boats 3.0
Macjagger: Planes, US up to 2.3. Low BR tanks 7.3 and under.
Doggs133: Planes -1.0 - 5.0: Mainly Russians. Tanks 1.0 - 5.3: Mainly USA, decent Russian & German lineup too.
Mephysto: Tanks: French 2.0-2.3 and 3.7-4.0 Russian 3.7-4.3 USA 1.3-2.3 and 3.7
Hardkill: Will Play
Last edited by AOD_Templar8899; 09-19-2020 at 01:22 PM.
I came, I saw, I dropped my bombs.
I am willing to play arcade. I have tanks up to 6.7, planes up to 5.0 (ish), and boats up to 4.0. Just find me on TS when anyone wants to play, ill be around.
Alles musz in Flammen stehen
Arcade is fun once in a while. Especially when youre drunk out of your mind
I get enough exercise just pushing my luck
AOD Member
I hated arcade until I discovered there is zero that's historically based about 'Realistic, other than you need to know what the various tanks look like from a distance so you know who to shoot at. So I like AB
Can I have your Tots
Arcade is the only form of the game i play , maybe my eyes and old age but its just easyer for me but has not many play here , I took a break from the game but with any game good to come back to keep active ,,
Keep honking. I'm reloading
I mainly play tanks, I've all Br's but I don't play above 8.3 a lot, it's just not what I'm looking for in this game.
Boats I play up to 3.7 give or take, above that it's becoming too boring for me.
Flying is what I'm worst at but I can go up to 5.0 but usually I stay below 4.0.
Helicopters I haven't touched at all.
I don't have fixed play times since I don't have fixed work dyas/hours
If I'm not back in 5....wait longer!
AOD Member
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
-US 3.3-10.3
-Germany 3.3-6.0 *My current nation grind*
-630pm CST to 12pm CST M-F
-Most hours day or night on the weekends
Knee High to a Worms Ass
Knee High to a Worms Ass
-Germany 1.0-7.3
-11:00am - 8:00 pm (UCT +5:45)
-USA 1.0-8.0
-Germany 1.0-5.3
-USSR 1.0-4.0
-Time same as tanks
Can I have your Tots
Definitely enjoy some arcade as it’s more relaxing at times.
German and British:1-6.7
Can I have your Tots
I play arcade.
basically any BR for tanks.
and planes under BR 5.0.
ships only 2.3 BR
Can I have your Tots
I think , this Option , that somebody play AB should be not only one topic dedicated... also i wish voice channels on discord. why some rooms does have voice channels, and others dont... i dont fell it right
Can I have your Tots
I'm allways down to play some arcade just pm me on discord Maj0rFuNk#9560 or come find me in the TeamSpeak.
USA 4.0 to 6.3
Russian 3.0 to 3.3
British. 3.0
German 2.0 to 5.7
I'm always willing to tier down to play with a fellow Comrade .
If I'm not back in 5....wait longer!
I can do Arcade if anyone wants to
-tanks at 5.7-8.0, preferably 6.7
Not a fan of planes so they are upto 5.7
Time is not certant due to work and child, can be needy sometimes :D
Feel free to hit me up whenever im online :)
Knee High to a Worms Ass
I play a few matches of arcade a day, usually around 4-5 pm and again around 10ish pm. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you wanna do some matches, Aidan Malchor#0868.
I only do planes. I mainly play 4.0 US as I like the lineup I have for it and queue times aren't crazy long like they are for high BR matches, love playing the 10.0 matches to just don't want to always wait 5 min for a match with only 6 people on each team.
US up to 10.7
German up to 5.3ish do have a couple 6's but not enough for a decent line up at that BR
USSR up to 6.0
UK up to 7.7 though haven't done much at the upper tiers on there, decent at 4.0-5
Japan up to 3.7
China up to 4.0
Italy up to 4.3
France 2.3
Sweden 4.3
The party got better when Stalin left.
I am more than happy to jump into an arcade match! I've been wanting to jump into more tank gameplay as well so I can jump from air pretty easy. Normally looking to play around 7pm-9pm Est.
Aircraft: Up to low level jets (7.4 I think...)
Tanks: Up to 5.3-5.7
Aircraft: Up to 5.7
Tanks: Up to 5.7-6.3
Aircraft: About to hit 4.7-5.3 but normally play around 4.0.
Tanks: Still low at 3.7, but this is the nation I would be trying to grind.
Can I have your Tots
I will play whatever
Hey I am willing to play whatever. I have high Germans, and Russians. Mid-tier Americans.
Sepelite me vadum: Iterum revertar
Planes (USA)
-up to 4 (br /I have farmed the p36a - f4e research line)
from 11am - 2.30 pm/ then from 4pm- 8pm (est)
Also japanese planes up to 2.3
Can I have your Tots
I'm willing to play.
US 1.0-1.3 (Working my way thru that line)
US 1.0-3.0
Germany 1.0-3.7
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