For those who don't know and are still using the very bright white TS theme, you can change the theme to be darker colors. The first pic shows what the theme I use looks like and the rest shows how you can change your theme.
For those who don't know and are still using the very bright white TS theme, you can change the theme to be darker colors. The first pic shows what the theme I use looks like and the rest shows how you can change your theme.
Great info thanks
Very cool. I have everything else on my machine with a dark theme, now TS won't hurt my eyes.
Here's the one I picked.
verrry nice, thanks Brett.
Seems to be. Couldn't figure out how to change it. I think it's baked in.
I still like the red red on black theme though.
Good thread!
Thank you AOD_BrettG TS was killing my eyes.
Thank you for that! It was so bright!
Thank you for introducing me to the Dark side of TS, for the Empire :)