Since our recent server merge, I know a few folks have been curious about how to secure a position in the Invasions now that there are more people in the server vying for a spot. One of the leaders from Black Legion, the company that controls First Light, have reached out to us and told us they would be willing to give AOD preferred status in their invasions, with the condition that we work on a few reasonable points to ensure we are effective defenders. So, I'm sharing the conditions with you guys to work on:

- All 3 corruption trophies (1 per house)
- Weapons with Corrupted Bane perk + slotted Sapphire
- Infused Corruption Coatings
- Great Axe with Gravity Well (for Great Axe users)
- Healers with Void Gauntlets as secondary
- Musket users
- No tanks (as tanks are effectively useless in Invasions; invasion monsters can't be aggroed)

Other things they look for are spear and bow users, spears with the ability to rend. They tend to lean heavily towards strong DPS builds, and less so to mages and healers.

If you have any questions, or need assistance with this, please reach out to myself or BigZach and we can help explain it a bit or offer assistance!