Had to no another restore and put it all in again. All because a bad install of graphics driver and down the toilet it went.
I need help with TS and finding or server and all the goodies.
Well got TS figured out.
Now it's gaijin's authentication notices, for some reason I can't get those e-mails with the code sent to my e-mail. I used to not have this issue but it started up a few years ago so I'd just got to the store through the game.
Now, I had to re-install the game and guess what it wants to send me a code that I can't get but I can get a gaijin support e-mail about the issue with no problem.
Does anyone here have an idea how to get this straighten out!?
BigJeff, when you get a chance, go to myteamspeak.com and create a teamspeak account. follow all the instructions. Once you do that, you will never have the TS issue again regardless of what computer, laptop, tablet or phone you log into TS from. It recognizes your log ins and verifies everything and then grants you the access you need. When you don't use a MyTeamspeak account, everytime you use a different computer, laptop, tablet or phone or reinstall your OS or TS itself, it creates a new TS identity which must be manually input into the AOD website in order to grant you your permissions as the website and server do not recognize the new TS identity. The myTeamspeak account will verify your log in and compare the TS identities and if they are different, it updates your new identity so you have no issues.
This is recommended for every member of AOD to get a myteamspeak account as doing so will avoid all those issues in the future.
I downloaded the authenticator on my phone. The phone app has a constant authenticator that changes every 30 seconds or so when you use the app. So you might try it. just download and link your account, then when you try to log into warthunder and it asks for the code just enter the one on the app. should work just fine. Only other thing I can think of is to make sure your account didn't get partially hacked and they changed your email address. Make sure it's the correct one. Then the only other thing I can think of is to make sure your computer isn't automatically flagging the gaijin emails as scam or spam and putting them into a spam folder.
It's call gaijin pass if we are talking about the same thing!
I got it from the app store, it's called WTRAssistant. It has a bunch of stuff related to your WarThunder Account and one of the things it includes is the authenticator. I've had it forever so maybe it's changed but that's what I have
I know your TS is sorted bigjeff, but for future info (and anyone else that can find this useful), I'm pretty sure every single setting and config for the TS3 client is stored in the "TS3Client" folder found in "C:\Users\*YOUR WINDOWS USER*\AppData\Roaming". If you back up the TS3Client folder before reinstalling, just restore this folder to it's default location, install TS3 as you would, and when you launch it, everything should be as it was and no further configs should be necessary. Haven't done this for a long time, but I'm pretty sure it's still a safe way to back up your TS3 settings and configs.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Click bookmarks, then select manage bookmarks. Select your AOD bookmark and then paste The Private Lobby/War Thunder Lobby into the default channel. That should do it.
Or just go to the channel you want, manage bookmarks, select AOD bookmark and then the default channel box has a push button that will make your current channel the default channel.