Hey folks!
I'm happy to announce that we finally updated our designs for our forum badges! We also had some new ones made for you all to earn and collect! This was all made by our beloved art-master Naxy from the Destiny 2 division.
Here is a list of all our current forum badges and how to get them:
War Thunder - Tournament Grand Champion Badge
Has won a tournament hosted in AOD.
(Reoccurring Award - Given out by officers after tournament. Holders reset after every tournament)
War Thunder - Level 100
Members who have reached level 100 in War Thunder.
(Comment on the stickied post)
War Thunder - All Star Contributor
A member that has gone beyond the normal means of helping out the WT division. This can be bringing incredible amounts of members to the division, helping NCO and Non-NCO and alike, creating events or helping out in events.
(Given out by the Sgt team when they see fit)
War Thunder - Super Squad
Reward given out in Super Squad Saturday events for MVP or winner of competitive match.
(Given out by officers after SSS)
War Thunder - Maxed out!
Has unlocked a rank 7 vehicle in war thunder. Squadron Vehicles/ Event vehicles/ Premiums do not count.
(Post screenshot on this thread)
War Thunder - Professional Ass-Kicker
Has obtained the God Of War title ingame. (100,000 enemies destroyed)
(Post screenshot on this thread)
War Thunder - Atom Bomb Baby
Has dropped a nuke in war thunder.
(Post screenshot on this thread)
War Thunder - Squib Maverick
Achieving 1250 Squadron Points in Squadron Battles.
(Reoccurring Award - Given by officer at the end of a SQB season. Holders reset after each season.)
War Thunder - Seal Of Awesomeness
Awarded to winners of a War Thunder contest
(Given by Sgts on special occasions)

I couldn't find the larger version
War Thunder - 9 Year Anniversary Coin
Award for being a pillar of the community or for doing something extraordinary for the war thunder division.
(Given by officers during the WT division anniversary)