I'm told gaigin is destroying the economy but still no one has been able to tell me how they are doing it. Someone said something to the effect that you have to kill 5 players in a game before you would be able to turn a profit in a match. But still no clear explanation has been given to me yet.
I know for a fact in my years of playing this game, the higher the tier you play the less lions you will make. I say this because you'll make similar or less to what you make in lower tiers but the costs to repair, rearm and purchase new vehicles and crew them take their tolls. I learned this when I was sitting over a million lions one day while grinding 7.0 line of Sweden when it came out. Within hours and after unlocking a vehicle or two, I could not longer play as I was out of lions. I grew frustrated with the game and it was around this time I was talking to RedKnight about it. He told me to buy a low tier premium tank that had been released years ago but was no longer available. Gaigin did a 3 day special where they were selling it and a couple of other things so I bought it. It was a 4.0 tank. He and I grouped up and started playing. I think by the end of the week, I had accumulated well over 10 million lions and he was near the same. We typically play in the 4.0 to 5.3 BR range and I've got close to 20 million lions while he has I think well over 60 million (he waits til the sales to purchase and crew all his new vehicles when they are 50% off while I don't care and just buy them.) But one thing is for sure, if your hurting for lions, start playing lower tiers.