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  1. #1
    If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

    AOD_R3D_KN1GHT's Avatar
    Master Sergeant
    War Thunder
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Aug 19th Division Meeting

    1. TS/Forum Donation -
    Naxy post for art work for TS donations =

    2.TS Rule - Fighting the good fight and reminding people that they HAVE to be on TS when playing the game. TS activity is now mandatory.

    3. Creation of temp. TS Channels - Ask ANY SGT if you want a channel if all the other ones are full

    4. CoC - I Know this is trying times but please keep politics out of AOD.

    5. Discord - name changes and perms may cause issues

    6. LOAs

    7. Squadron Battles - We try and keep this one brief - Our Ranking, Current Battle Rating and when we do them. Training post on forums. = Now have a subscribe channel for death eagles that is optional for people trying to get squibs going to ping in discord when squibs is starting

    8. Vote for AOD -

    9. SSS

    10. Tournament -

    11. Burnout with the game

    12. Looking for New Officers

    13. Refer a friend = The member with most referred players each month will get a room in TS named after them for 90 Days. NCO leader - . Non Officer -

    14. WT News announcement: Empees0 is making a recruitment video for the war thunder division. Needs help after the meeting if possible.

    15. Q&A - If there are any questions from the members, we do our best to answer them (Still looking for a good way of dealing with this section).

    16. Anniversary Announcements -

    17. Promotions

    Please post or Edit if we need to bring up anything during the meeting
    Last edited by AOD_Empees0; 08-19-2023 at 02:13 AM.


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