War Thunder Division Meeting - April 27, 2024 - Meeting Agenda
AOD War Thunder Division 11th Anniversary Event to follow This Meeting
1. TS/Forum Donation - https://www.clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=97501
Naxy post for art work for TS donations = https://www.clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=258307
2. TS Rule - Fighting the good fight and reminding people that they HAVE to be on TS when playing the game. TS activity is mandatory.
3. AOD Social Media Outreach - Encourage members to interact with AOD social media outlets:
-Twitter / X account - Please follow Clan AOD's Official Twitter / X Account https://twitter.com/officialclanaod
-Official AOD Twitch Channel - Subscribe for Free https://www.twitch.tv/clanaodstream
-AOD WarThunder Recruitment Thread on Steam -https://steamcommunity.com/app/23639...5206084720668/ Please feel free to bump this thread or reply with stories about your time in AOD
-AOD Recruitment thread on the Official War Thunder Forums https://forum.warthunder.com/t/aod-angels-of-death/2748
4. CoC -With this year being more politically active than the norm, please reinforce Rule 12. We are here to play games and have fun. The real world can wait outside.
6. LOAs - If you are planning any extended absences due to Vacations, R/L events, moving, etcetera, that will require you to be unable to interact with AOD for a period of more than 30 consecutive days please submit a Leave of Absence request here https://warthunder.clanaod.net/forum...d.php?t=166418
7. Squadron Battles - Update from Squibs leader
8. Vote for AOD - https://clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=242014
9. Tournaments /Events - AOD WAR THUNDER TOURNAMENT! - GaRebelZ71 is planning a AOD member tournament to be held 1st half of May, 2024. https://www.clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=261837
10. Discord - The following WT members are missing a Discord ID in their AOD Member Info or have left the ClanAOD Discord server:
Pfc Beetle7
Pfc BenSpazz
Pfc Black_Ops_Bacon
Pfc Gary91511
Pfc GhostWizard42
Pfc jetblade545
Pfc orvis118
Pfc pappenhamster
Pfc SaltyDogg63
Pfc sparkomatic72
Pfc TitanSeeker
Pvt Bozztrocity
Rct AlexeyDZ
Rct BearBardom
Rct Big_Pappi
Rct BlockBuster700
Rct BoostATX
Rct Crimson1018
Rct Erosun
Rct flashbangmaster
Rct Gawainian
Rct Lazar
Rct lennythegoat
Rct Lielow
Rct LucklessDrip
Rct maxxplayne
Rct OniWolf
Rct zShiroi
Spec B.Rubble
Spec B1ackBishop
Spec Bangle6
If you see any of these members on Teamspeak or In-game, please encourage them to join our Discord server http://discord.gg/clanaod or to update their AOD Member Information with their Discord user name.
11. Looking for New Officers https://www.clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=247582
12. Refer a friend = The member with most referred players each month will get a room in TS named after them for 90 Days. NCO leader - . Non Officer -
13. Q&A - If there are any questions from the members, we do our best to answer them (Still looking for a good way of dealing with this section).
14. Anniversary Announcements -
9 Years - Hellcat101
8 Years - MHare
7 years - Blackb4ss
5 Years - Bozztrocity
5 years - MeatPopscicle
4 Years - Flagship_Amagi
4 Years - patchyusmc
3 Years - weasel929
3 Years - JustTooManyCups
3 Years - CANZ86
3 Years - TheW0LF95
2 Years - FalKsifer
2 Years - kennycrackcorn
1 Year - Sko
1 Year - catatemywork
1 Year - dablow18
1 Year - Adrian24262
1 Year - Asecio
1 Year - All_blue
15. Promotion list link Click Here
Please post or Edit if we need to bring up anything during the meeting
Last edited by AOD_SabreSixFour; 04-27-2024 at 02:00 PM.
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