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    I get enough exercise just pushing my luck
    AOD_SabreSixFour's Avatar
    War Thunder
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Newshit War Thunder Voice moving to Discord Saturday June 1st, 2024

    As console online gaming has become more popular over the last decade, many former PC only titles have been released for the likes of Playstation and XBox as well. War Thunder is one of these games. The console player base in War Thunder is not large enough by themselves to maintain acceptable que times for matches across all Battle Ratings so Gaijin (the Developer of War Thunder) chose to allow console players to “cross-play” with the much larger PC community. In-game voice comms in War Thunder are sub par and not moderated in any way and text chat is best left disabled given what is usually discussed in there, so AOD utilizes TeamSpeak for inter-squadron communications. Unfortunately, Teamspeak chose not to allow their software to be integrated into console’s. Discord, on the other hand, embraced consoles and is available on all major platforms currently. This lack of TeamSpeak support on consoles has hampered our recruiting efforts in regards to attracting more console players and continuing to grow our member base. In addition, the cost of keeping our existing TeamSpeak server running has been, and will continue to be supported by donations from members. Those donations and their frequency have failed to keep pace with the cost of maintaining the server and the burden has fallen on the Senior Leadership to make up the difference. At $175 per quarter, these costs far exceed what a comparable Discord server would require.

    Beginning at 1600 GMT on Saturday June 1st, we will be switching as a division to using Discord Voice comms on a trial basis. The duration of this trial is currently undefined. At the time specified, Voice Comms Activity tracking will be switched from TeamSpeak to Discord. In order to be considered active on Discord you must have joined an AOD Discord voice channel within a period not exceeding 60 days. There will be no AFK or Quiet Room in the WT Discord. Anyone who is AFK or Inactive in a Discord voice channel for more than 30 minutes will be moved to the "AFK" room at the top of the AOD Discord server. This is a function of Discord itself and not something we are able to edit. Members who's inactivity meets or exceed the 60 day threshold will be subject to the same process as those who were inactive TeamSpeak.

    Please view THIS DOCUMENT should you have any questions or please contact any War Thunder Sgt+ via Direct Message on Discord.

    Discord Cheat Sheet - Contains more information on the features of Discord and different settings that can be configured
    Last edited by AOD_SabreSixFour; 06-02-2024 at 11:29 PM. Reason: Added Discord Cheat Sheet link


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