What made you interested in applying to join AOD? Looking for like-minded people to group up with while playing What is your in-game Delta Force username? ReQTeCH Have you been a member of AOD before? If so, what was your previous AOD name? No Who referred you, or, how did you find out about us? Reddit post What is your age? 20 Are you currently in any other gaming groups/clans? (if yes, what games do they play or support?) no Do you have a Microphone? Yes What is your Discord username? (please include any numbers after the # sign) engreqtech Tell us more about yourself I'm M20, From egypt, I Study Mechanical engineering. I play the drums and have been a long time gamer (since I was 8). AOD is an honor clan. We prefer good sportsmanship over skill. Can you be happy in an environment that doesnt reward skill? Yes |