After 7 years, I still randomly bring up the AOD web page just to see what's going on. I haven't been active since 2011 or so, but the memories I have of this clan will last forever.
I met so many great people over the years, some of which I considered to be close friends at the time. I spent countless hours staying up until 3 or even 4am during the summer; looking for
glitches in sw:bf, Garrys mod carnage, couter-strike surfing, gun game, etc.

Looking back, some of the best memories of my early teenage years were spent right here. I remember laughing until I cried damn near every time I logged onto Ventrilo.
I realize now that I may have taken a lot of it for granted, but I suppose it's easy to do when you're 14 and have zero responsibility.
What I would give to go back, and relive those care-free nights. I've always thought about returning, and being a part of this great community once again, but
real life probably wouldn't allow it.

I don't recognize any of the names I've seen recently, and I doubt many (if any) of you reading this would've been around during my time here. I guess I just wanted to drop
in and make a post as a testament to how great this place really is.

We had a saying back in the day.... AOD4LIFE. Not sure if that's still a thing, but it is for me. Regardless of my current status, I'm still AOD and I'll always be AOD.
