Guild Wars 2
What made you interested in joining AOD? My participation as an active member of AOD in the Section 8: Prejudice division and my Desire to experience Guild Wars 2 with my AOD brothers is what makes me want to join the Guild Wars 2 Division of AOD.
What is your in game name? zWolf
Who referred you? ShaggyTDawg
Age 40
Do you have any clan experience? I was a member of a Gaming Guild (mostly MMO's like Ultima, EQ, and WoW,) from 1996 untill around 2004 when the guild broke up. And then my AOD experience in Section 8:Predjudice, I listed ShaggyTDawg as my 'referrer' it is more accurate to say that he Accepted me into AOD and was the one that did the Clan Interview with me.
Are you currently in any other clans or guilds? I play Star Wars the Old Republic with a guild called 'Red Five' but they are specific to that game.
Do you have a Mic? Yes
Have you ever used Ventrilo? Yes
Xfire name? zwolfman
Do you have any competitive experience in ladders or tournaments? nothing professional.
Timezone or Location GMT -7 , Mountain Standard Time USA
Tell us more about yourself I love games, and enjoy the brotherhood that comes from participating in a group. I follow instructions well, and when asked to, I can give them too. though for my gaming, I have grown to prefer leaving the leading to others that are more eager for it, when called upon, I'm capable.
Are you a former Guild Wars Player I dabbled in Guild Wars, but nothing serious, I don't even think I maxed out my levels - which is where most games like these 'start'.