Since some people still don't know about it!


Moviebattles II V0.1.4 Released!
Good evening guys. Moviebattles II V0.1.4 had been released. This address several bugs, balence issues, adds a new map and a new feature. This is a full client and server side release and there is no incremental patch option available.

Please note Mac users, at this point in time we are unable to provide a build for you. We hope that this wont be the case going forward and will be able to provide you with a Mac build within the next few days. This will be offered as a seperate download, so you will need the full V0.1.4 download anyway.

You can download the new version from our Downloads Page

Here are the full patch notes. Please not, the Release Note supplied in the Zip contains a few errors. These are the correct notes.

Please be sure to do a full installation, taking care to remove any old MBII Assets before installation.

Fixed a bug causing sv_maxconnections to be ignored
Minor stability and performance enhancements.

Fixed several rare client side crashes
Minor load time optimisations

SBDs can no longer jump while dead
SBDs can no longer crouch while dead
SBDs can no longer move while dead
You can no longer get Wookiee Fury from NPCs
Fixed an issue where the Client Version would report a mismatch when attempting to connect to a localhost game

ARC M5 Sniper shot velocity increased

Disruptor Alt Fire minimum damage has been increased

Ion Blobs were increased to 3 per point spent

Wookiee Fury Speed has been balance adjusted

Balance Adjusted FP drains

A balance pass has been done on hit location damage modifiers.
Added new idleAnim and firingAnim fields to WeaponInfo in FA character files
Some UI Countdown timers can now be hidden

New voice commands have been added

Added Battle over Coruscant
Updated Deathstar
Updated Lunarbase
Updated Theed
Updated Republic Cruiser
Updated Mustafar
Coruscant Chase 'fix' for door triggers.

Added Custom Resolution option in Video Settings
Added Fraglimit to About menu
Updated console fonts to display several previously unprintable characters

Re-weighted several models.