Welcome dimitrion!
Welcome aboard dimitrion!
A warm welcome to our newest member Crazied_Girl.
Coming from the East Coast of USA, she is not only our first female recruit in this division, which I'm very glad to see (there was a good number of female fighter pilots in WWII, so it's good we keep up the representation) but is also a flight instructor in real life!
She currently has no mic, but will get one ASAP. In the meantime please keep this in mind when grouping up.
She can hear you just fine though.
I've looked at her record and it is impressive, obviously using her flying knowledge and skills to kick some ass. Maybe if she gets some time (probably will need a lot of it) she can teach khc how not to ram me in my ass, but that is a challenge I'm not sure anyone will ever be able to achieve!
Welcome to AOD!
Jeez you've been busy since i was last i spoke to you draig!! Welcome to all new recruits very glad to have you all here with us. Welcome to the fun buds!
Welcome Crazied_Girl, we're building a nice collection of knowledge in AOD, great to see!
Next up from New Zealand, to truly show how much of a global community we are is Ligerox! He's learning to fly and knows a lot of WWII plane info so I look forward to him sharing some of his knowledge with us. Welcome!
Last edited by DraigUK; 05-11-2013 at 04:10 PM.
A warm welcome to Crazied and Ligerox!
Good hunting!
Welcome Ligerox, great to have a Kiwi along for the fun!
Welcome to our newest Part time player AOD_Pfc_XenomorphYY (in game he is XenomorphXX) he hails from our PS2 division. Have fun with your time here, and welcome.
And hot on the heels of Xenomorph comes Cdt_Spectre12078. Transferring from WOT to join us full time. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here!
...quickly followed by our newest Recruit Boboben5! From the Florida area of the US, a warm welcome and enjoy your stay!
I would like to just welcome every one and send out a nice herpa derp, If I go missing for a few day's I am probably going to Australia for a week ill try to let someone know before this happens.
Welcome all :)
Our newest member is Recruit Drunkingunner, who has transferred to us full time from PS2! Welcome!
Last edited by DraigUK; 05-14-2013 at 07:11 AM.
Welcome Drunkin!
Welcome Drunkingunner!
Welcome to our newest recruit VanDS! He resides in New Jersey and works for the USAF, he's a mechanic so when you get your plane destroyed he's the guy to fix it!
Welcome to our new part timers, full timers and recruits boboben and VanDS.
Hope to fly with you all soon!