something weird happened to me here in arcade. took hardly any damage. my wing was only light red. unfortunately i wasnt recording so i had to go in replays and it doesnt show the plane status. i was too lazy to cut the video, check out the last few seconds ;)
yeah it occasionally happens in arcade when game cant determine if you rammed or skipped off.
I like it up here, this game is a beautiful thing to play in
We won this round too. The allied team flew high and duked it out with the Germans at 5000 meters in HB and we won. It is a great thing to have allies go up and fight for a change. There was about 20 ppl per side and by flying high, we took away the German 109 and 190s best advantage. Great round with Johnnystang.
Last edited by Cloud Chaser; 06-05-2013 at 09:12 AM. Reason: just adding a note
Today, That moment when you have no tail control. Only aeliron's, and you realize a ju88 is running you down. Drug him all the way back to aaa where he died. and i spent rest of round flying in loops and spins. team won and i ended with 0 death, 1 air kill, and 7 ground lol.
202 made it back to repair after 4 kills. This was 1.29
2K to base to go
Upside down Flat spin to the death