aw yis!
Mastered 200 aircraft?
Not possible, u hacked...
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
That is pretty impressive nim!
*Big Cough* (sounds like Bull$hit)
Seriously, man you sure grinded hard for that award!
nice congrats
dang nice one mate you defiantly deserved it.
Well Done! You won't know what to fly now...
Nice one!!!
Well at least someone thinks your a "real pilot"...hehe.
and I thought I was gonna beat you to that, bah
186/200 , im close but looks like your Japanese grind of upgrades to get the ki-200 a few months back gave you the lead
bah damn Japs!
I will give you my password if you grind upgrades on my japs =P
Well done as always
well done
Congrats Avi. Getting this in Realistic is no mean feat.
...and at last you will have an answer to everyone who asks 'when will Aviation be a real pilot?' :)
great job guys
13.7m dammmmm :)
Good job guy's. Only a few years till I get to that point ;)
and here i was excited cuz I'm close to getting the champion title lol.. j/k gratz :)
~ HaKuNa MaTaTa ~
~~ AOD4LiFe ~~ (R.I.P.) MOH:AA division
~~~ Roll Tide Roll ~~~ Alabama Crimson Tide ~~~
grats dude!