Here are the steps you should follow to change to the WT division full-time:
- Send your former division CO and the WT CO a PM, stating your wish to move to the WT division
- Go to the WT division structure HERE and post up your request, following the example:
- Edit your AOD member info (same way you would when accepting a promo) and change the division to War Thunder
- Search for the AODA, AODB, AODC or AODE squadron in game (ask a WT officer which) and submit an application to get your in game AOD tags
- In the game lobby, open the chat, go to the System tab and type in /join xAODx, then hit enter, when asked for a password type in AOD then hit enter again, to join the AOD chat channel.)
- Make sure you introduce yourself to those you find in the WT channels, we would like to get to know you!