Some good spitfire gun cam footage
Some good spitfire gun cam footage
Pretty cool
Spitfire shot down alot of Fw-190s in dat video and Strafe alot of Convoys :D RAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love that vid, the music makes it epic..
More YT-Spits. No gun-camera-action but that video is so much feel-good. Have a look:
There is also a cool documentary about the bombing of V1-sites and the recce-planes and those checking the pix. That pilot is in itit. Awesome documentary. Will see if I can find that one..
(:blowjob: <-- most useful smiley ever, need to find a use for it!)
nice ones!
Yeah I really, really like seeing that happiness on the mans face... :)
Here is the one I mentioned:
Might be able to find it on YT. It is well worth it! Really cool when they are decoding those photos with "3D-lenses". <-- The original of that video. Because longer, and actually credits the person who assembled the clips.
I still prefer the clips without that overused soundtrack, but I guess that's what mute is for. :P
Always enjoy watching these :D
It's always good to watch these awesome videos... Anyone ever watch AC-130 or other camera system videos?
This is one of the better known AC-130 gun cam's. They are usually armed w/a 105mm Howitzer, 1 30mm cannon,and 40mm twin bofor's set up. "Spectre's' are based on "Puff/Spooky' from "Nam where they were used to interdict truck traffic on the Ho Chi Minh trail. Enjoy the carnage and remember. "Only You,can kill tango's from 5000' w/pinpoint accuracy'
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