I have a 100k+ point Tau army.
2000+ points of blood angels not including my lamenters
"In midnight clad"
I always wanted to play, even bought, built and painted a Tau army. Never knew anyone so I donated all of my work to a Hobby Town USA in Kennesaw GA and its still sitting in the display cases there lol!
I'm still expanding my army. I'll take it off your hands, I never change the paint schemes of other Tau players because I think of it that the way they are painted is that they came from a different planet in the Democales System.
I normally play Apoc games, I've got the biggest Tau army on the west coasts. I have documented paper saying that too from GW. Lol.
Big fan of 40k here. The cost of the tabletop is a bit much for me though. I'll stick to the video games :P