If you haven't got one of these bad boys, get one now! It's pure fun!
It flies like a Mustang + Spitfire and kills come quite easily.
Here's proof of the awesome capabilities of this plane.
If you haven't got one of these bad boys, get one now! It's pure fun!
It flies like a Mustang + Spitfire and kills come quite easily.
Here's proof of the awesome capabilities of this plane.
I haven't got the 24 yet but I can tell how disappointed I am with the Mk 22... it over heats without WEP'ing and you have to run it at 81% to keep it from over-heating.
The cannons spray all over, it's a strange site. My Mk 22 is about half upgraded and I have made quite an effort to get it fully upgrade because I want to believe it going to be awesome... it's a Spitfire for heaven's sake!
Dont fly constantly at 81%. Use WEP as needed and when you feel its safe, drop throttle to 0%, this cools everything down very fast. Keep it at 0% for 3 secs or so and your engine is no longer Orange.
I quite like the large cannon spread, you don't need to aim very well to hit stuff. However, the new 20mm cannon upgrade reduces spread significantly if you like that.
It's realistic for a plane at 100% throttle and 100% RPM to overheat. The problem is that this realism still hasn't been applied to most of the planes out there. The key to doing it well is to use Manual Engine Controls. 95% mixture, 90% RPM (for the climb) and 100% radiator. I find at this setting, I can run at 95% throttle without overheating or cooling down.
The stock guns are probably the greatest weakness of the plane. You almost need to get under 300 meters to have a chance of hitting.
I was truly amazed at the dedication shown by ERK's wingman.
ERK must be an extremely inspirational leader given that his team mates follow him unto death.
"Don't tell mom I'm a pilot, she thinks I play piano in a whorehouse"
Guns on dat thing is not great Gotta Get in close
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Somehow I managed to snipe a pilot at .81 I could hear that pilot cussing in my head! LOL
I can't wait to get my hands on these new spits :)