All this demonstrates is that I shot well to the side of you ...... unlike you shooting directly at me!!
Is this because I shot your Mosquito down in the custom battle?
You still crying about it?
Also, you title is very misleading.
You didn't save me ..... you deliberately let me fly into that Yer.
No no no.. You should work for Goebbles..! ;D
1. You were just a bad shot..
2. I let you shoot me down since those AI biplanes were too hard for you..
3. WTF is wrong with my title?? Ah! Should the THE Hero of Dover..?
4. I still have a vid of me shooting two pricks off your ass... (Which cannot be misunderstood no)
Meant the title of your thread. You didn't save me. You maliciously let me crash into the Yer.
You let me shoot you down? So, why were you offering me real money to leave you alone because you didn't want your paint scratched?
I have loads of vids of you arriving just in time to save me after the bad guy has shredded me to bits and I'm spiralling into the dirt, and loads of voice recordings of you saying "F*ck you. I'm not gonna help you because I'm too busy ground hoovering easy ground targets."
Not that I'm bitter about any of t his.