Nice post Wartex love your lion
lol ...this stems from one of the new guys said something in vent about how they want to go to South Africa and see all the lions and stuff..'s funny how some people stereotype places... they associate Africa with lions and safari's and in here Texas, we all still drive horses to school and work, wear cowboy hats and big belt buckles and wrestle cows for fun (or tip them over when we are drunk).. go figure!
Looks like a nice NORMAL home to me, Wartex.
one question though...
SOOOO ....WHERE ?????? DO YOU KEEP ALL THE LIONS???? We are still confused on that part
(kidding, of course) lol
maybe your lions and my horses should get together sometime
... The last time I got really drunk I did go cow tipping...
Last edited by AOD_Danneskjold; 05-10-2014 at 08:28 PM.
Ok ok, no lions.. But giraffes, elephants, stuff like that - they must be walking around in your backyard???
Great post, thanks for sharing! :)
Don't care where they keep all the lions, hyenas, giraffes, elephants (where they keep undiscovered diamonds, gold, opal, and other gemstones is of more interest ). And despite of rumors of vicious packs of meerkats terrorizing the suburbs(ok terrorizing insects in the suburbs), anyplace where you can drive around in a BMW 330i is damn civilized in my book (530i owner myself). That's one sweet ride Wartex!!!!!!
EDIT: yup, a Saab Gripen. Had to do some digging in my memory...
Last edited by AOD_Whaleco; 05-12-2014 at 10:54 AM.
Wait a mintue...
Where the hell are the monkeys?
No lions ? you ruin the image that i had in my mind mate... (You slapping a lion and you say "F*** You Lion!")
Thanks for sharing
PS: Seven dont go on the snow with that suit mate :D
Correct WhaleCo. :)
But I do know for sure you can go on some shark safari in Za! Should get down to ya boyz and have a look at those big fish...
No need, there are plenty of Great Whites right off shore at Cape Cod. There used to be virtually no GW sightings off the US east coast but since the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 made it illegal to hunt or kill any marine mammal in US waters there has been a strong recovery in the sea otter, seal, and sea lion populations on both coasts. This includes the natural reestablishment of large breeding colonies of 2 kinds of seals near Cape Cod Massachusetts. Guess what Great White sharks like to eat??? Yummie seals.
Sightings slowly began to increase to the point where there is now a rather large GW population off the east coast. There are now there several formal GW shark tagging and radio tracking study programs, regular near shore sightings in the summer, and yes even Great White tourist boat excursions......... As a precaution some beaches are now being closed when frequent sightings occur, but officials say if you don't look like a seal you won't have a problem. Based on the pictures of Toe and Dave in the famous hamster video, I think you two are safe.