I was wondering if there was still a public aod ventrilo section and if there is how do I go about getting on it?
I was wondering if there was still a public aod ventrilo section and if there is how do I go about getting on it?
Is case you haven't been contacted already. Yes there is but I'm not sure if I can let you in you would have to PM a Lance corporal or higher for that.
AOD's vent (As far as I know) is for full time AOD members. You are more then welcome to join us though.
It really depends on what game you play. If you play the game AOD supports, and you play with AOD members, you can ask an officer from that game for a permission to get on AOD's ventrilo public section. This is the only situation when we let people get into our vent, otherwise it's just pointless.
Im trying to get a hold of Stud, Smoke or Godshands, been along time since I talked to Them and for some reason I cant PM any of them.
Check your private message history and mailbox. There is a size limit for "forum member" ranks. I am not sure what division you were in, but in PS2 we just demote folks to "prospective" member when they are inactive, so you could ask in /outfit for an NCO to get you sorted out, and re-inducted as a full member.
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