Picking up on DW´s thread a bit..
Took me a while to bother, I knew there would be great skins by talented people very soon and yes - I am not disappointed! Having built ALOT of P-51s and P-47s, for example, as plastic models, I am quite aware of the enormous number of cool "skins" and decals/pin-ups that could be added.
So, a selection of the ones I downloaded and am enormously happy with! It just adds extra joy to the game for me. :)
"The Enchatress" (I have actually built this one in 48th scale, pics elsewhere) - P51D30 (for real iirc, it was a P-51K and no you cannot see the t!ts, on this one, so no need to become upset here.)
Invasion stripes are SEXY! More of that please..!
I kinda like the British Premium´s two skins so used this one on the Yank one...
The British, non-user skins:
"Free and easy" (P-51D-5 in game)
Martklet Mk. I (?) - I am waiting for more Martlet/Wildcat skins for the FAA!
Canuck George Beurling (Swedish father actually!), probably one of the best fighter pilots of the entire war, flew this aircraft, among others:
(There is atleast one very good documentary/dramatization on him you should se and his book is a good read)
One of the Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney (?):
"Ole´ cock". I use this but the second one should definetly be used by DW..
"Hairless Joe" was a given for my P-47D-25, flew by the great David Schilling!
Jan Zumbach´s Donald Duck´ed Spitfire Vb (skin for the non-Vokes filter-equipped IIb in game). This one I have also built in 72nd scale so was glad to see this skin made.
Pre- and/or early WW2 Sweden had mostly crap equipment, old and useless, for the defence. Few wanted to sell us anything except the Italians... We got some CR.42s and Caproni-bombers among other cr.. Things. The Capronis kept falling out of the sky like Toe in an Arcade game, killing loads of crew. (We also bought some destroyers from them that the Brits nicked, for a while, on their way to Sweden. They feared the Germans would use them when/if Germany also invaded Sweden. The crew did not resist and the ships were later released. I guess the Brits saw how useless they were..
But I got a good game in RB as soon as that skin was on. Nailed a P-40 and a P-36 over Bastonge. I am sure you fly better with pretty planes!
Well, we also managed to get our hands on some more quality stuff (jokes aside, the CR.42 was good! For being a biplane...)
A number of Swedish Gladiators also were flewn by *volounteers* in the Winter war, downing a number of commie-bastards. But they wore Winter-camo and skiis, usually. Gotta love the emblem here though.
So, go out there and have a look! Loads of cool skins to download and augument your flying with! Even if the bad guys you shoot will not see the cool skins - you will!