I just realized that we were sorely lacking this thread.
"DiamondMan: Killer Whales. They are just sharks with tuxedos. "
I just realized that we were sorely lacking this thread.
"DiamondMan: Killer Whales. They are just sharks with tuxedos. "
That was good
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My favorite self quote, "you can't leave, the plants will die!"
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Hijacking the Funny thread for a brief inspirational message. A modern corollary to "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.”
― Wayne Gretzky
Whaaaat....??? You Ain't Got No Bacon...???
My latest two quotes with many more to come:
Whenever I drive a new tank: "Oh! That new tank smell!"
When I hear others make excuses: "You know what they say about excuses... excuses are like assholes... everybody has one!"
'Mankind has a perfect record in aviation - we have never left one up there!'
"A armed society is a polite society,P'nut *rockets a b17 to flaming death* Manners are good when *avoids headon collision w/Yak9* one may have to back up His acts with His life *zooms off to save diamondman,again*. R.Heinlen/Sci-Fi author,Visionary,undercover WT player
Bringing BedrockBedlam to a Map near YOU"If ur gonna ride My ass,You better pull My hair
Much giggles......
The absolute classic:
Hunter (while going down in a blaze of glory): "Tell my wife I love him!"
" I think I can land this " -Aviation21. RIP 19** - 2014
" Eat My Schnott " - Dave And Wartex
another favourite: there are only two types of pilots, those that have crashed and those that still must
I forget who said it, it'll come to me later. But it was a long the effect of:
"ERK! No! Don't fucking kill him! LET HIM BURN!"
I was truly amazed at the dedication shown by ERK's wingman.
ERK must be an extremely inspirational leader given that his team mates follow him unto death.
"Don't tell mom I'm a pilot, she thinks I play piano in a whorehouse"
Kill Stealing a Burning plane.... Kill Secured!
Actually the best quotes come from the game it self!
1. WE have destroyed the enemy base, victory will come easily , 1 second latter "We suffer a defeat! get back to base..."
2. You have a hole on your right wing! (when you dont even have a wing...)
3. When you bomb a tank: Bullseye! ( but the bomb lands 15m off target and you dont even get a hit-point)
4. When you "land" while your plane is on fire, without wheels , wings and tail, and you get awarded with "Soft Landing"...