Of a Nation. Dreamers,philosophers,Country folk.All boarded a ship for a new life free of the tyranny of a oppressive leadership and the strife of a ages old system that served few,but took advantage of many.
A Country founded on the principles of honor,dignity,rights inalienable to Men/Women of ALL colors,creeds,religions. We begged,cajoled,borrowed,stole,and flat-out fought for that which is Our legacy. A experiment still running, despite many chances and opportunities to go 'Off the tracks' so to speak. History is written by the winner,never the loser,and ours is still being wrought.Daily and sometimes minute by minute. We invented things that have changed civilization,not merely the lives of a few. We've rode to the rescue,on a olive drab horse if need be,of any friend of Democracy whom asks for our help..and a few whom didn't.
Despite what one thinks of America of late,note the history,the longevity..We're a pup among the old boys!Still growing,still gangly legged and staggering of gait,but wide eyed,ready to go and willing to step into that brink,not afraid of that which may come from it. I ask that You join Me in wishing America a Happy 238th Birthday tomorrow. Our bombs will indeed, be bursting in air. Our flag?Improving the look of a breeze around the world,at sea and on the land. Happy Birthday!