Here are the events you can choose from:
1.) Bomber Duels! Basically everyone gets in a bomber with defensive guns, and shoots each other down with defensive guns only. The person with the most points from the scoreboard after 2-4 rounds gets the bomber award on the forums.
2.) Bomber vs. Biplane! A classic. Everyone gets in a biplane except for one victim, I mean contestant. This lucky fella gets in a bomber of his choosing. We call go, and time how long it takes for the Reserve planes to shoot down the bomber. Number of Biplanes X time it took to shoot him down = points. Person with most points gets the bomber award on the forums.
3.) Hit me with your best shot! One team has bombers. The other team has fighters. The bombers have to reach the base and bomb it. If they do, they win! If they don't, the fighters win!
4.) Boat races! Everyone gets in either the Catalina or H6K. We put her down on the water, then we race each other across the water, shooting at each other the entire way! Whoever gets the most race wins gets the Floats Event award on the forums!
Choose which one you want to do, and we'll do it! I'll give 4 or 5 days to vote.