First,Thanks for everyone's support.

Secondly, I am and still will remain a Council support member and all WTPC candidates have access to the council members and the council discussions.

Some things will be under NDA (non disclosure agreements) so although i did not directly get elected to one of the 5 seats, (we missed it by 9 votes , bummer) I have the same forums and discussion privileges within the Council area and with the other council members and candidates (this is private for most players) just cannot vote and will not have full disclosure.

It was decided that the entire council pool is a broader representation for discussions than just 5 players. Also that alternates will need to remain informed in case the need to replace other members.

I also am in direct contact with many the council and many WT team members in the Gajin Teamspeak where I have access to private areas as well.

The entire council is still a work in progress and if any member is suddenly not available to continue I am a likely replacement. I also remain eligible for the next election in 6 months.

Please feel free to contact me or catch me in vent with any issues or concerns about your WT experience.

See you in the skies!

thanks for your support.