One word. Auroria.
Auroria opens next Tuesday, November 4th. In the coming days we will be getting together with individual members to discuss what we have planned for each member to accomplish. It is important to us that everyone remains patient, and ready to do anything at the drop of a dime. Your hard work will be reflected in the success of the guild. Those who believe in AOD will stop at nothing to allow our guild to prosper and flourish.
What's the plan?
One of the best ways for our members to contribute to this team effort is to attend the upcoming Divisional Meeting. The meeting is set for November 2nd, 4:00pm Eastern Time. Please try your best to attend this meeting! There is a lot of information to hand out to everyone. It is in your best interest to join us Sunday. Division meetings are the prime source of information regarding the division you are in, and about the game you are playing. Forum updates, Auroria information, future plans as a guild, and much more will be discussed this Sunday. SuperMan will run through all of the important details that his staff, and himself have deemed to be most urgent. There will be notes available after the meeting for those who could not attend. If you cannot go to the meeting, it is considered mandatory to read through these notes.
If you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming meeting please contact SuperMan or Eltheslayer. We hope to see you at the meeting!