Warning: The below video contains music that may be unsuitable for some adults. You may think it is just racket.
Also, YouTube may take this video down...apparently, it's not ok to record internet radio and gameplay then share it.
Warning: The below video contains music that may be unsuitable for some adults. You may think it is just racket.
Also, YouTube may take this video down...apparently, it's not ok to record internet radio and gameplay then share it.
Good job Pro!! I really like the music :)
What capturing and editing software are u using ? I'm very intrested in making some videos!
Real nice RTM - fun to see, keep it coming! :)
Final blow to win the match...while nearly causing major streaks in my pilots pants...
Nice vids - I like them! :) But why did you not warn Brubble that there was a 109 climbing for him..?
That head on on the Spit.. Ouch.. A snap roll might have saved you but if he had hit you anyways it would have sucked even more I guess.. ;)
And I amoverly whungy but when you respawn in that Spitfire - you see three friendlies on that Typhoon. Ignore it! There were other unengaged around and you paid for it.. I know I do the same now and then but it really is better to have a look around. He was no thret to you and very occupied..
For some reason the AMD gaming evolved isn't recording MY mic...so...I can't remember if I did or didn't
Ah ok, you probably did.. ;)
Yeah! We'll go with that!
Nice one! :)
Don´t know if I hate that map or not, lol.. Can be fun but usually very awful above T1...
Last edited by AOD_RTMPro; 03-22-2019 at 10:54 PM.
Ok, I'm on vacation (holiday), and have been playing War Thunder for most of the day.
About 5 hours ago I finally had enough of PvP and decided to do some campaigns.
I then had the great idea to do these campaigns in cockpit view.
I then had the even better idea to record these battles in cockpit view.
I then had an epiphany, and decided to do historical battles (The Pacific Campaign), in cockpit view, record it, & then share it for those who don't have the pack so they are able to see what it's like.
Anyway, I'll only post links to the video playlist on YouTube. There will be far too many videos to keep in order on here.
Cockpit View Series
The Pacific Campaign
Good times.
I was about to log off when you popped up. It was stupid o'clock where I am.
It was nice to just fly properly for a change. Done all my x2. Done the task. So, I could just play at wingman and have some fun for a change.
Pleasure flying with you ..... look forward to doing so again.
Thank God you got the title of the thread right.
Toe flying with A pro has a whole different connotation to it!!
Yes Toe, was good fun.
Just upgraded the specs for my video capture.
Here's a sample video available in 720p/60 or 1080p/60
I'll put more WT vids up tomorrow. I only managed to get 2 to work correctly in 60fps tonight. You'll find them in my Pacific Campaign YouTube Series. Or, to make it easy:
Japan - First Carrier Fleet & USA - The American Strike
Nice vids! But how unusal that there is some *hero* in a LaGG sweeping in to secure the PBY without an arse...
What I really loved about those vids was that you managed to filter Dave's whining almost down to nothing ....
What is your secret?
I knew he was recording so kept my bread opening shut..?
Damn, forgot to save the replay where Toe gets the brilliant idea and take a shortcut between me and a bad guy when my guns are blazing - and then blaming me when he took a full load in the face..!